Bizagi Modeler Glossary

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Bizagi Modeler Glossary




A - B - C - D - E - G - I - L - M - P - R - S - T - V



Typographical Conventions

This product documentation incorporates the following conventions:

• A term is a word or phrase that has a special meaning. When a term is defined, the term name is highlighted in bold typeface.

• A reference to another definition, section, or help is highlighted with an underlined typeface and provides a link to the relevant location in this help.

• A reference to a shape (element), attribute, or BPMN construct is highlighted with a capitalized word (e.g., Sub-Process).




Activity: BPMN element that represents work or tasks carried out by members of the organization. It stand for manual or automatic Tasks performed by an external system or user.  Activities can be atomic or non-atomic (compound) and they are classified into Tasks and Sub-Processes. See Activities.


Ad hoc pattern: Modeling pattern used to model business situations consisting on unstructured Processes (Ad Hoc) rather than well predefined business Processes. See Sub-processes.


Annotation: BPMN element that allows including additional information in BPMN Diagrams. See Artifacts.


Artifact: Element whose function is to add custom information to a diagram. See Artifacts.


Authentication: defines the way in which end users will access to the subscription services. Authentication can be defined as Bizagi authentication, Entra ID or Okta among others. See Authentication.




Bizagi: The leading platform for faster and flexible digital transformation. See Bizagi official site.


Bizagi BPM Suite: Platform that integrates Bizagi Modeler, Bizagi Studio and Automation services to build and execute business Processes.


Bizagi Modeler: Bizagi solution to visually diagram, model, document and simulate business Processes in industry-standard BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation).


Boolean: Data type or variable with only two possible values: true or false.


Bottleneck: BPMN element that limits the performance or capacity of a Process. See Simulation.


BPM (Business Process Management): Corporate management philosophy whose objective is to provide company directors and Process owners with the right information elements to continuously improve business effectiveness and efficiency.


BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation): Standard graphical notation that describes the logic of steps in a business Process. This notation has been especially designed to coordinate the sequence of Processes and messages that flow between participants in different activities.




Call activity: BPMN element that references an activity or diagram that is used in one or more Processes. Call Activities in Bizagi are modeled as reusable Sub-Processes. See Reusable Sub-Processes.


Case: It is the instantiation of a process. In a case, all the BPMN elements, information, business rules, and collaboration defined are evaluated. Each case has a case number that identifies it. For example this is used in the Process mining event logs to identify the possible paths of a process.


Collaboration: When multiple users work together in a single diagram to model or document the process. See Model Collaboration.


Compensation activity: In the context of Transactional Processes, when a transaction has not been successfully completed, Compensation activities are executed to return all Activities that have already been completed within the Process to their initial state. See Transactional Processes.


Condition: Statement that must be met for an action to occur.


Cycle time: Measure of Process capacity. Total time from the beginning to the end of a Process.




Deprecated: Functionality or feature that it is no longer supported. Deprecated features will continue to work in future versions but will no longer be available to use.


Diagram: Set of BPMN notation shapes that representes a business process.


Domain: Group of a network in which all user accounts, computers, printers and other security principals, are registered with a central security database. For example




Embedded Sub-Process: BPMN element. Set of Activities that are dependent of the Parent Process; they share the same information or data. They have a clear objective and so, can be defined with a beginning and an end. See Embedded Sub-Processes.


End Event: BPMN element that indicates a Process flow end. See Events.


Event log: Base file for process mining that contains activity records of a process. See Process mining.


Extended Attribute: Customizable attribute to document additional information of any element within a model. See Extended Attributes.




Gateway: BPMN element used to control the divergence and convergence of sequence flows. Gateways determine ramifications, bifurcations, combinations and merges in the Process. See Gateways.


Gateway condition: Condition that evaluates which path to follow when a Process reaches an exclusive or inclusive Gateway. See Gateway conditions.




Intermediate Event: BPMN element that indicates that something happens somewhere between the start and end of a Process. See Events.


Interrupting Events: Type of Event attached to the boundaries of an activity. When triggered, interrupts the execution of the activity to which it is attached and continues with an alternate Process flow. See Events.




Lane: BPMN element used to differentiate elements as internal roles, position, department, etc. They represent functional areas that may be responsible for Tasks. See Swimlanes.




Milestone: BPMN element. Sub-partition within the Process that indicates different stages or phases during the Process. See Swimlanes.


Model: Group of diagrams that seek to represent the processes and operation of a company, area or entity.


Multiple Sub-Process: Type of Sub-Process that allows the creation of several occurrences or instances of the same Sub-Process. See Sub-Processes.




Parent process: Process from which a specific Sub-Process is created or launched.


Performer: User that carries out an activity. See Resources.


Pool: BPMN element. Container of a single Process (contains the sequence flows between activities). See Swimlanes.


Process: Group of actions and steps executed to achieve a particular objective. In BPMN, a process contains all shapes, or modeling elements, that fulfill the logic to achieve the objective.


Process automation: Steps followed to turn a Process diagram into a running application.


Process check in: Bizagi's feature used to avoid conflicts when users work at the same time in the same Process diagram. See Edit cloud models.


Process Library: Cloud repository meant to be the central source of information of the Bizagi Modeler users. See the Process Library for a Enterprise subscription.


Process Mining: Family of techniques focused on improving process modeling. See Process mining.


Process routing: Business Rules that determine the path that must be followed by the Process flow when reaching a divergent Gateway that require an expression: Exclusive and Inclusive Gateways. See Gateway conditions.


Process simulation: Bizagi's feature that allows evaluating a process definition before they are implemented in real life. See Simulation.


Process Xchange: Set of ready-to-use executable Processes templates. Download them, learn, explore and adapt the Process to your company’s particular needs. See Process Xchange.




Resource: Element (person, object or system) necessary to carry out a task. See Resource.


Reusable Sub-Process: BPMN element. Set of Activities that are dependent of the Parent Process and can be invoked from one of more Processes. In BPMN a reusable Sub-Process receives the name of Call Activity. See Reusable Sub-Processes.


Rol group: Group of members of a subscription who share the same role and therefore the same authorization level.



Shape: A shape is any of the following BPMN modeling elements: Tasks, Events, or Gateways.


Signal Event: BPMN element. Event used to communicate Processes between each other through sending and receiving signals. See Events.


Start Event: BPMN element that indicates a Process flow starts. See Events.


Step: A step is the execution of a shape diagrammed in a process.


Subscription: Bizagi Modeler paid plan related to a Bizagi or business account.


Sub-Process: BPMN element. Activity that includes shapes and elements within it. A Sub-Process is a Process in itself, whose functionality is part of a larger Process. See Sub-Processes.


Sub-Process instance: Specific occurrence of a Multiple Sub-Process. See Sub-Processes.




Task: BPMN element. Activity that cannot be broken down into lower levels of detail. It is performed by a person and/or application. See Activities.


Token: A descriptive construct used to describe how the flow of a Process will proceed at run-time. The concept of a token is used to explain some of the underlying behavior of a BPMN model. The performance of the Process is represented by describing how this theoretical token travel (or doesn’t travel) down the available Sequence Flow paths and through the flow objects (Events, Activities, and Gateways).


Transactional Sub-Process: BPMN element. Sub-Process whose behavior is controlled through a transaction protocol. It includes the three basic outcomes of a transaction: Successful Completion, Failed Completion and Cancel Intermediate Event. See. See Transactional Processes.




Value chain: Strategic analysis tool used to determine the relevant activities that aim to add value to the customer. With this, companies seek to stay competitive and focus their efforts efficiently on their line of business. See value chain for the Enterprise subscription.



Last Updated 9/11/2024 10:41:15 AM