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Navigation:  Low-code Process Automation > Studio Cloud - Authoring environment > Bizagi Apps > App Designer > App Designer editor > Controls > Experience Elements >



One of the options you can add as an experience element is the Persona Inbox, with this control you can display all the cases and their information associated with the signed-in user directly on the page. By doing so, each Persona can interact with their corresponding cases using the Activity form. Keep in mind this control can only be used within Private and Detail pages.


Adding the control to your Page

To add it to your page go to the Controls menu and select it from the Experience Elements section. Once added to the page, you can configure the manage content, design, visibility, and layout of the control.


Manage content

In the Manage tab, you can select the process to be shown on the page:





Within the design tab, it is possible to configure multiple control settings:

Align: Sets the text alignment to left, right or center.

Control height: Lets you define the control's height defining the screen percentage of the pixels.

Control width: Lets you define the control's width defining the screen percentage.



On this tab, you can configure whether the control is visible or not for the Persona available and their Contexts.



Once  your app is published, in the top-right corner of the control you can see the filter button and if the filter has been applied to the inbox with a unique process, the inbox will use the specific columns designed for the filtered process. On the other hand, if multiple processes are selected in the filter or if there is no process selected, the system columns will be used in the inbox.




This allows you to filter each case by status, case number, process, case creation date, case due date, or activity due date.




Inbox interface in mobile devices

When using the inbox on mobile devices, its interface offers more space to display the information of each activity.

Furthermore, this interface assigns a title for each field. Some examples shown below are: Process, Case creation date or Case due date.



Last Updated 5/30/2024 2:56:14 PM