Collections Search

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Collections Search


In the App Designer editor, the Collection Search control allows you to customize access to the information contained in your app. The article details how to add it to your app, as well as the different ways to customize and configure it according to your needs.


Adding Collections Search control

To add the control to your page, you must drop down the options in Controls > Collections > Collections Search, as shown in the following image, and drag it to the part of the page where you want to add it:




Menu options in Collections Search

The options available in the control are as follows:


Manage options

In this section of the menu, you can manage the data your control is going to use for the search. Depending on the type of content, whether static or dynamic, follow the instructions below:




Static content

You can use a search control for multiple fixed collections. To set up your search control, hover the mouse pointer over it and then select the Manage option.


Select the collections you want to add to your search control. Make sure you select Fixed as Source type.




Next, select the fields that will be used as filters for the search and turn on the option to categorize your search if you want. When you categorize your searches, the values of the category (additional field) will be visible to your Personas and will act as a filter. The fields that can be selected as categories must be shared amongst all the collection controls.




Then, click the button Next.




Then, set your search placeholder, the button's label, field icon, and icon color.




To finish, click Done.


Dynamic content

You can use a search control for multiple dynamic collections. To set up your search control, hover the mouse pointer over it and then select the Manage option.

Select the collections you want to add to your search control. Make sure you select Dynamic as Source type.




Next, select the fields that will be used as filters for the search and turn on the option to categorize your search if you want. When you categorize your searches, the values of the category (additional field) will be visible to your Personas and will act as a filter. The fields that can be selected as categories must be shared amongst all the collection controls.



Then, click the button Next.


Then, set your search placeholder, the button's label, field icon, and icon color.



To finish, click Done.


Design options

In this section of the menu, you can configure the style, colors, and border for your control.




In Style options, you can determine the alignment (left, centered, right), the control width, as well as the border size and type. In Colors options, you can select the different options for the background, button, icon, and border for your control. In Border options, you can select your control's border radius.


Search11   Search12


Once you are finished, click the Reset button to save changes.


Visibility options

In this section of the menu, you can configure who can visualize the control by selecting the Personas.




You can tick the All option to select all Personas, or you can tick the Personas you want to have access to the control.





When using the Collections Search control, keep the following in mind:

The control supports searching within a single specific collection field. You must configure this field in the App Designer editor or select it in the published app.

Searches work alongside existing filters. Filters that are already configured are applied using the AND logic.

We recommend avoiding OR filters, as they can lead to operational issues within the control.

Last Updated 1/21/2025 4:18:39 PM