Case summary Web Part

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Case summary Web Part


This Web Part displays the summary of a task as seen in the Work Portal. This includes the default properties, and the summary form if the process has one assigned.


Web Part configuration

You need to access the SharePoint page with administrator permissions. Open the options menu and select Edit page:




Select the Insert tab and then click Web Part:




Select the Bizagi category and add the Case summary Web Part:




Once the Web Part is added, click it and select the Web Part tab. Then click Web Part Properties:




Configure the project name as it is defined in the configuration of the SharePoint server, and how the Web Part displays the Activity form when the user clicks the Work on it button. If you select Yes in the Bizagi form settings, it displays the Activity form in a pop-up window. If you select the No option it requires a URL of a SharePoint page that must have the Activity form Web Part.


If you set this Web Part as a stand-alone, it displays the first pending task in the user's Inbox. If it is set in a page that is called from a re direction from another Web Part, like My Inbox Web Part, redirects to another page with the Case Summary Web Part, it displays the Summary form from of the case that comes from the Inbox Web Part.



Last Updated 1/6/2022 5:15:03 PM