RPA life cycle Personas

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RPA life cycle Personas


The RPA life cycle management project takes advantage of all the capabilities of the Personas Wizard in Bizagi. Therefore, Personas are an important part of it. We recommend that you read and understand who Personas are, and how to involve them in the experience design. This article explains all the Personas involved in the life cycle management project and what actions they can perform. The project is divided into three main stages:


Manage UiPath resources

Request a new bot

Develop a new bot


Each Persona has groups of objects displayed as MyStuff. Each group is related to a UiPath resource. For example, the Orchestrator manager can see groups of all the orchestrators and tenants he has registered in the project:




Each MyStuff depends on the Persona. When a user clicks in a group, They see a list of items. Each item contains a set of actions that each Persona can execute:




The following section describes Personas and the actions they each can execute in Bizagi on UiPath resources.


To manage UiPath resources

The following Personas are involved in the initial configuration of your project, when you import the UiPath resources in Bizagi. Once in Bizagi, these roles can also manage RPA resources, based on their role.


Orchestrator manager

The Orchestrator manager is a super admin user who can control all the resources of a UiPath subscription within Bizagi. The Orchestrator manager starts your RPA strategy in Bizagi by importing all the bot resources. See Initial Steps.


Machine manager

Users set as machine managers can update and review the machines imported by the Orchestrator. When there are changes in a machine’s properties, such as the user name, the machine manager can update this in Bizagi without having to access any UiPath portal. See information about machines in UiPath.


Application manager

Applications refer to external or internal software  that a bot needs to access or use to perform a particular task. Because your organization may manage applications independently between areas, Bizagi provides the application manager Persona, so users in this role can manage applications and credentials to use the application by a bot.


RPA asset manager

In UiPath assets are used as variables or credentials to store information that robots can access.  The asset manager is in charge of updating and reviewing imported assets. For example, when a bot accesses an application, like Office 365, you need to access it with a user's credentials. You can store theese credentials in an asset that the asset manager manages. See what are assets in UiPath.


The following table summarizes the actions that each Persona can perform when managing UiPath resources:


UiPath Resource


Orchestrator Manager

Machine Manager

Application Manager

RPA Asset Manager


Activate / deactivate orchestrator





Update orchestrator





View orchestrator log






Add tenant





Activate /deactivate tenant





Select default tenant





View tenant log





View tenant user log






Add machine





Delete machine





Import machine





Update machine





View machine log






Add / delete environment





Import environment





View environment log






Add asset





Import assets





Update assets





Delete assets





View asset log






Activate / deactivate application





Add credentials





Delete credentials





View application log





View credentials log





Update application





Install application





Uninstall application






Add / delete robot






View process arguments





View process log






To assess a new bot request

In the RPA life cycle management process you can control requests for bot development. In this process there are two main roles, the RPA user, or person requesting the bot, and the RPA analyst, who is in charge of assessing technically and functionally the development of a new bot.


RPA user

An RPA user can start a request by starting a new case in the Request a new bot process. This user is in charge of registering areas and applications involved in the development and use of the bot.


RPA analyst

This Persona assesses the request for the bot. To assess it, the RPA analyst can also send inquiries to the requesting area, to gather information needed to understand technically and functionally the development of the bot. Additionally, the analyst can evaluate applications registered by the requester, and review if the credentials stored are enough for the execution of the bot in an application.


The following table summarizes experience design actions that Personas can execute in the Request a new bot in Bizagi process.



Action Description

RPA Analyst

RPA user

Send inquiries

Send questions to the requesting area to understand the RPA requirement.



Evaluate benefits

Evaluate the benefits of developing the bot described by the requesting area(s).



View analysis summary

Review the summary of the whole analysis process of the information gathered from the requesting area.



Evaluate application

Evaluate the application(s) that the bot needs to access or use.



Evaluate credentials

Assess if the application's credentials are enough to perform all steps in the RPA process.



Upload documents

Upload documents to support the assessment performed by the RPA analyst.



Reject project

Reject the RPA request.



Evaluate areas

Evaluate whether the areas reported by the requesting area are adequate for RPA development and use.



Approve process

Approve the RPA request and start the development cycle.




To develop / improve a bot

Once a new bot request is approved, you can manage the development cycle in Bizagi. Here three Personas are involved: the bot developer, a tester, and a Persona giving support through the cycle.


RPA developer

This Persona is in charge of developing the bot in UiPath Studio. Once this Persona has developed the bot, they can upload the package to a UiPath development environment from Bizagi, and start the cycle by promoting the development to the test stage.


RPA Tester

A user set as a tester can report bugs found within the cycle. Additionally, the tester can approve the test stage to send the bot to a production environment.


RPA support

The support user is an important part of the test stage. This Persona can update bug statuses and report new bugs.


The following table shows the experience design actions that Personas in the development cycle can execute:



Action Description

RPA developer

RPA tester

RPA support

Upload new package to development

Upload the package created in UiPath studio to the Orchestrator in the development environment.




Send to test

Change the status of the cycle to the test.




View bug comments

View all the comments related to bugs reported in the development cycle.




Change bug status

Once in the test stage, a case can be set to the bug status. Setting a development to the bug status means that one ore more bugs have been reported.




Update bug

Update the bug status, with information.




Create bug

Create a new bug. This changes the status of the development to bug.




Send package to test

Send the development package to the test environment.




Sent to production

Change the status of the development cycle as finished, and start the send to the production process.




Report bug

Report a bug.




Last Updated 6/9/2023 3:26:29 AM