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General FAQs

What is the price of Bizagi Modeler?

Is Bizagi Modeler open source?

How do I install Bizagi Modeler on my Mac?

Can I install Bizagi Modeler on a multi-user setup?

What kind of files does the Modeler handle?

What is the BPMN version supported by Bizagi Modeler?

How do I know if my diagram has modeling errors?

What are Bizagi Modeler cloud services?

What is a Enterprise subscription?

What are the benefits of the Enterprise subscription?

What is the minimum subscription period?

How do I know I am on a Enterprise subscription?

How do I move to a Enterprise subscription?

How can I get an invoice for my subscription?

How can I change the information that appears in my subscription invoice?

How do I change the way I pay for my subscription?

What should I do if I have PayPal as payment method?

I have multiple users in my organization that wish to collaborate on process models with me, how can Bizagi Modeler help me?

What happens to my models when I am invited to an Enterprise subscription?

What happens if I don’t want to continue using my Enterprise subscription?

What happens when I cancel Enterprise subscription?

What devices can I use Bizagi Modeler on?

Where can I go to get support?


Diagramming and documenting FAQs

Can I work on diagrams that were not designed in Bizagi Modeler?

Can I import and export extended attributes using XPDL language?

My model includes several sub-processes. How can I import all the diagrams in a new model?

How can I diagram the communication between processes?

How can I diagram a large process?

Can I remove or change the Bizagi logo from my diagrams?

How should I manage fonts in my documentation?

How can I include special characters to support my language?

How can I disable the message that shows up when changing element types?


Sharing documentation FAQs

Can I use the Modeler with several people to work simultaneously on the same diagram?

How can I share my process diagrams and documentation with colleagues?

How can I present my processes in a business meeting?

Why is my sub-processes' information not being included when I publish?


Troubleshooting FAQs

Why can’t I use pools, lanes and milestones in a sub-process?

Why do I get an activation message of ActiveX every time I export my models to web?

I get the error Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED) when exporting to Word

Why can’t I open my .bpm models shared in SharePoint directly with Bizagi Modeler?

After publishing the web output to SharePoint 2010, the default page will not open. What can I do?

Why can't I publish to my MediaWiki?

Last Updated 5/7/2022 11:32:12 PM