<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Sharepoint - MS EntraID |
The SharePoint online connector for Bizagi is available for download at Bizagi Connectors Xchange.
Through this connector, you can connect your Bizagi processes to your SharePoint account and services.
For more information about this connector's capabilities, visit Bizagi Connectors Xchange.
This Connector was developed according to the contents of the API and the information about it provided by SharePoint. Bizagi and its subsidiaries will not provide any kind of guarantee over the content or error caused by calling the API services. Bizagi and its subsidiaries are not responsible for any loss, cost or damage consequence of the calls to SharePoint's API. |
Before you start
To test and use this connector, you need:
1.Bizagi Studio installed.
2.This connector installed, via the Connectors Xchange as described at Conectors Exchange, or through a manual installation as described at Connectors Setup.
3.An account at https://products.office.com/sharepoint/collaboration.
4.Obtain the connection parameters of your SharePoint service:
b.Tenant name
c.Tenant ID
d.Resource ID
5.Create a new app and save your application parameters
a.Client ID
b.Client secret
6.Add permissions to your new SharePoint application
The authentication process can only be performed by an Admin User. |
To start configuring the connector you must configre the access to Sharepoint. You can do it with Sharepoint EntraID. To authenticate, follow the next steps:
Open Powershell, and execute the following script:
$app = Register-PnPAzureADApp -ApplicationName "Here the name of your application" -Store CurrentUser -Tenant yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com -Username "your-username" -Password (Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Enter Password") -CertificatePassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Enter Certificate Password") -OutPath .\
$app.'Certificate Thumbprint'
After executing the script, a login screen will open and you will be asked to enter the following information:
1.User Password
2.Certificate Password
3.Authenticaton Code
Bear in mind that the information above will be given to you in the output of the script. |
After executing the script in the same window you will get the ClientId and the Certificate Thumbprint. Bear in mind that you must save this data to configure the connector.
After configuring the new EntraID app, the following summary view will appear:
The Sharepoint Entra ID certificate (.pfx and .cer files) are stored in the path where the previous script was executed.
For the connector configuration you need a .pem file, which can be obtained by converting the .pfx file that is stored in the path where the script is executed. You can use an online coverter such as sslshopper.com.
The generated .pem file contains the Private Key and the Certificate.
Then, transform the Private Key file (key.pem) to base 64. You can use an online encoder such as base64.guru.
URL and Tenant name
•URL: Is the base URL you use to access your SharePoint services. Usually, it is https://[company-name].sharepoint.com but you can create a SharePoint integration for each of your individual sites.
•Tenant name: Name of your tenant in SharePoint. Its the section of the URL right before the sharepoint.com.
Configuring the connector
To configure the connector (in particular its authentication parameters), follow the steps presented at the Configuration chapter in https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?connectors_setup.htm.
For this configuration, consider the following authentication parameters:
•Authentication method: Custom
•CLIENTID: The client id of your SharePoint services.
•TENANTID: The tenant id of your SharePoint services.
•CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret of your SharePoint services.
•RESOURCEID: The resource id of your SharePoint services.
•TENANT_NAME: The tenant name of your SharePoint services.
•URL: The URL of your SharePoint services.
Using the connector
This connector features a set of methods to help you take advantage of the capabilities of SharePoint's API services.
To learn overall how/where to configure the use of a connector, refer to https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?Connectors_Studio.htm.
When using the connector, keep in mind the following details for the available method.
Copy file
This action copies a file to a new folder.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•file_path: Full file path, including name and extension
•destination_path: New path of the file, including name and extension. You can change the file name in the new folder using this field.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Create file
This action creates a new file in the specified SharePoint folder.
If a file with the same name and extension exists inside the folder, this action overwrites it without throwing an error. |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•folder_path: Full path of the folder where the file will be created. This folder mus exists
•file_name: Name and extension of the file
•file: File encoded in base64 format. The maximum weight of the file is restricted by Bizagi's file size configuration
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Delete a folder
This action deletes a specific folder. If the folder doesn't exists this action doesn't throw an error.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•folder_path: Full path of the folder. You can't delete a folder that contains a file inside it. You must first delete all the files in the folder.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Create a folder
This action creates a new folder.
If a folder with the same name and path exists no new folder will be created and the information of the existing folder will be retrieved |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•folder_path: Full path of the folder. It must include the folder name at the end
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Delete file
This action deletes a file using its full path. If the file doesn't exists this action doesn't throw an error.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•file_fullpath: File path, including name and extension
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Get file content
This action downloads a specific file.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•folder_path: Path of the folder that contains the file
•file_name: Name and extension of the file
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Get files in folder
This action gets a list of all the files in a folder.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•folder_path: Folder path
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Update a file
This action updates an existing file.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•folder_path: Path of the folder that contains the file
•file_name: Name and extension of the file
•file: new data of the file encoded in base64
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
Get lists
This action shows all the available lists.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_hidden: Whether hidden lists must be included. This parameter should be a boolean in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Create a list
This action creates a new SharePoint list.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•title: Title of the list
•description: Description of the list
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Update list by id
This action updates a list using its id.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•id: GUID of the list
•title: Title of the list
•description: Description of the list
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Create a custom field for a list by id
This action creates a new custom field for a list.
This action can create duplicated custom fields |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•guid_list: GUID of the list
•title: Title of the custom field
•description: Description of the custom field
•is_required: Whether the custom field is required. This parameter should be a boolean in your Bizagi model.
•field_type: Type of the custom field
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/sharepoint-server/ee540543(v%3Doffice.15).
Get fields from a list
This action gets a field form a list.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_name: Name of the list
•list_hidden: whether hidden fields must be included. This parameter should be a boolean in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Delete a list
This action deletes a list. If the list doesn't exists this action doesn't throw an error.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•guid: GUID of the list
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Create list item
This action creates a new item in a list.
This action can create duplicated list items |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_name: Title of the list
•list_itemName: Name of the new item
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Get list items
This action shows all the items of a list.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•lit_name: Name of the list
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Update list item
This action updates the title of a specific item from a list.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_itemId: Id of the item inside the list
•list_itemName: New name of the list item
•list_name: Name of the list that contains the item
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Delete list item by id
This action deletes a specific item from a list.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_itemId: Id of the item inside the list
•list_name: Name of the list that contains the item
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Create a file attachment to a list item
This action attaches a file to a specific list.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_name: Name of the list that contains the item
•item_id: id of the item inside the list (not its GUID)
•file: file in base 64 format
•file_name: name of the file
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-lists-and-list-items-with-rest.
Create list item with multiple fields
This action creates a new item in a list with multiple custom fields.
This action can create duplicated list items |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•list_name: Name of the list
•custom_fields: List of the object's custom fields and its values
•field_name: name of the custom field
•field_value: value of the custom field
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/sharepoint-server/ee540543(v%3Doffice.15).
Get file metadata
This action gets the metadata of a specific file.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
•file_full_path: Full file path, including name and extension
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi. Make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about using this method, refer to SharePoint's official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/working-with-folders-and-files-with-rest.
After configuring the SharePoint MS EntraID connector, you may encounter some of the following error messages in the Work Portal:
When the message shown in the image appears, you must check the path of the action that is being executed. Generally, the path for all the SharePoint connections is: Shared Documents/[Folder]
In case the following message appears, additionally to the path specification, make sure that the CLIENTID, the CLIENT_SECRET and the RESOURCEID are correctly configured.
Last Updated 12/10/2024 2:53:36 PM