Bizagi Xchange Documentation

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Bizagi Xchange Documentation

Welcome to Xchange Help, where you will find user guides to get the most out of the different elements that can help enhance your Bizagi experience: accelerators, connectors, and widgets.


What is an accelerator?

It is a complete application, as a free template, ready to be deployed and used, which can be adapted to the process automation needs of your organization.  


For more information on accelerators, please visit Process Xchange and Process Professor Explanation.


What is a connector?

It is a set of procedures and functions created in an application, which allow you to connect external systems to your services in Bizagi, for automating procedures and developing new functionalities.


For more information on connectors, please visit Bizagi Connectors.


What is a widget?

It is a control that allows you to customize the user interface, in order to add functions, and simplify or automate actions in your Forms in Bizagi Studio, according to your business needs.


For more information on widgets, please visit Widget Xchange.

Last Updated 9/20/2022 12:24:07 PM