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The Amazon S3 connector for Bizagi is available for download at Bizagi Connectors Xchange.
Through this connector, you will be able to connect your Bizagi processes to your Amazon S3 account and services.
For more information about this connector's capabilities, visit Bizagi Connectors Xchange.
This Connector was developed according to the contents of the API and the information about it provided by Amazon S3. Bizagi and its subsidiaries will not provide any kind of guarantee over the content or error caused by calling the API services. Bizagi and its subsidiaries are not responsible for any loss, cost or damage consequence of the calls to Amazon S3's API. |
Before you start
To test and use this connector, you will need:
1.Bizagi Studio previously installed.
2.This connector previously installed, via the Connectors Xchange as described at https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?Connectors_Xchange.htm, or through a manual installation as described at https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?connectors_setup.htm.
3.An account at https://aws.amazon.com/s3/.
4.An access key
5.A secret access
6.The region in which your Amazon S3 services is locates
7.The name of a bucket to select as your default bucket
Obtain your service region
Your account's S3 services are located in a specific region, regardless of the configuration of your buckets. Go to https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/. The name of your region appears in the URL of the page.
Obtain your access key and your secret access
Follow this steps to obtain your access key and secret access.
1.Log in to your AWS account and go to https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home#/home and click the Users option.
2.Click Add user
3.Give a User name to your user, select the Programmatic access checkbox and click Next: Permission
4.Click Create Group
5.Give a Group name to your group, select the AdministratorAccess checkbox and click Create group
6.Click Next: Tags
7.Click Next: Review
8.Click Create User
9.Click Download .csv and save that file in a secure path. The click Close. In this file you can find your Access key and your Secret Access
Configuring the connector
To configure the connector (in particular its authentication parameters), follow the steps presented at the Configuration chapter in https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?connectors_setup.htm.
For this configuration, consider the following authentication parameters:
•Authentication method: Custom
•ACCESS_KEY: The access key obtained in the previous step.
•SECRET_ACCESS: The secret access obtained in the previous step.
•REGION: Region that host your S3 services.
•BUKET: Name of the bucket that will be used by default in all of the connector actions.
Using the connector
This connector features a set of methods which lets you use Amazon S3's API services to take advantage of their capabilities.
To learn overall how/where to configure the use of a connector, refer to https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?Connectors_Studio.htm.
When using the connector, keep in mind the following details for the available method.
Create bucket
This action creates a new bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName (Required): name of the bucket. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#createBucket-property.
Delete bucket
This action deletes a specific bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName (Required): name of the bucket. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#deleteBucket-property.
Get bucket ACL
This action gets the data in the Access Control List (ACL) of a specific bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName (Required): name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getBucketAcl-property.
Get bucket location
This action gets the region where a specific bucket is located.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getBucketLocation-property.
Get bucket policy
this action gets the policy of a specific bucket.
To use this method you must generate a bucket Policy first. Otherwise an empty object will be returned. |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getBucketPolicy-property.
Get bucket website configuration
This action gets the website hosting configuration of a specific bucket.
To use this method you must activate the Static website hosting option for your bucket. Otherwise an empty object will be returned. |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getBucketWebsite-property.
Get bucket versioning configuration
This action gets the versioning configuration of a specific bucket.
To use this method you must activate the Versioning option for your bucket. Otherwise an empty object will be returned. |
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getBucketVersioning-property.
Head bucket
This action gets the metadata of a specific bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#headBucket-property.
List buckets
This action gets all the buckets of a the user.
You don't need to provide any input for this action.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#listBuckets-property.
Upload file
This action uploads a file to a specific bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• file (Required): file data in base64. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• fileName (Required): name of the file (key). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#upload-property.
Get object
This action gets a specific object from a bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• key (Required): name of the object (file). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getObject-property.
Delete object
This action deletes a specific object from a bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• key (Required): name of the object (file). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#deleteObject-property.
List objects
This action gets all the objects of a specific bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• delimiter : a character used to group Keys. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• encodingType : To encode your keys using URL-encode use the value "url" in this field. Any other value will generate an error. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• marker : a marker that determines where the search begins. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• maxKeys : maximum number of keys that this method will obtain. By default, it is 1000. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
• prefix : only obtains the objects with a key that starts with the value specified on this field. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#listObjects-property.
List object versions
This action gets all the versions of the objects that satisfies a criteria set by the .
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• delimiter : a character used to group Keys. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• encodingType : To encode your keys using URL-encode use the value "url" in this field. Any other value will generate an error. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• marker : a marker that determines where the search begins. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• maxKeys : maximum number of keys that this method will obtain. By default, it is 1000. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
• prefix : only obtains the objects with a key that starts with the value specified on this field. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• keyMarker : specifies the first key to show in the list. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• versionIdMarker : specifies a version of the object to obtain. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#listObjectVersions-property.
Get object metadata
This action gets the metadata of a specific object.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• key (Required): name of the object (file). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#headObject-property.
Copy object
This action copies a specific object from a source bucket to a destination bucket.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• destinationBucket: name of the bucket where the object will be copied (target). If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• destinationKey (Required): name of the file in which the object will be copied. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• sourceBucket: name of the bucket that contains the object (origin). If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• sourceKey (Required): name of the file to copy. It must be URL-encoded. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#copyObject-property.
Create object URL
This action a URL to publicly access a specific object.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• bucketName: name of the bucket. If no bucket is specified, the connector will use the default one provided in the global parameters (BUCKET). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• key (Required): name of the object (archivo). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• expires : seconds after which the URL expires. By default it is 900 (15 minutos). This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Amazon S3's official documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#getSignedUrl-property.
Last Updated 10/27/2022 9:30:16 AM