Managing Live Processes

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Managing Live Processes


Having designed a process, you can manage it through its different stages (Draft, Pilot, Published), as well as manage its defition such as name, access rights and case numbering. This can be done through the Manage Live Process dashboard.


Access the dashboard by clicking Manage Live Process located under the option Live Process on the Main Menu.




The dashboard displays the Live Processes that you have access to. The processes are color coded by state: blue for Draft, orange for Pilot and green for Published.




In each state there are options available to manage the process' design and its states among other options.

Click a process's three dot menu to display the actions that you can perform.




Additionally, when you click a Live Processes, its configuration properties are displayed on the right.

These properties apply to the process regardless of its state.




Live Processes options

In this section you will find information about:


Promoting Live Processes through the different states

Creating a copy of a process

Creating a new version of a Live process

Editing or viewing a Live process diagram

Managing attributes

Deleting a Live Process

Enabling or disabling the creation of instances of a Published Live Process





Accessing the process diagram

When a Live Process is in Draft, it can be edited at any time by clicking the Edit diagram option.

This will open the diagram edition as described in Live Processes design.


When a process is in Pilot or Published state, you can review the diagram, its forms and all the configuration in read only mode. To view the diagram, click the process's three dot menu and select the option View diagram.




Attribute management

Bizagi lets you identify all the attributes in a process, and delete them when it is in Draft state by selecting the Attribute management option.




A window appears with all the process attributes. To delete an attribute hover the mouse cursor over its name and click the trash can icon that appears.




If the attribute has dependencies (its being used somewhere), it will not be deleted and all of its dependencies will be listed. To delete the attribute you'll have to remove all of its dependencies.




When the attribute has no dependencies, a message appears informing that the deletion was successful.




Deleting a Live Process

Live Processes can be deleted in Draft and Pilot states. You will be prompted with a message stating that the deletion of a Live Process cannot be undone.


Disabling and enabling case creation

Bizagi lets you disable the case creation when processes are in Pilot or Published state. When case creation is disabled authorized users will no longer be able to create new case instances, without affecting cases which are already created.

Case creation can be disabled at any time. To do so, click the process's three dot menu and select the option Disable case creation.




Bizagi shows a confirmation window, click Accept.




Disabled processes are shown in a light gray color. This procedure doesn't affect ongoing cases.




To re-enable your process for case creation, click the three dot menu and select the option Enable case creation. Then click Accept in the confirmation dialog.





Promoting your processes from Pilot to Published while disabled will change their state, but they will remain disabled.


Organizing your processes

The Live process management dashboard offers different ways to view your processes or filter them. Your processes are organized by their state by default.




Bizagi offers Advanced filters to help you sort your processes and find what you need. You can filter your processes by name, creation date, category, status and whether or not case creation is enabled.




If you have a large number of processes, you can change the way they display by clicking the list_icon icon. To switch back to block view click the block_icon icon.



Last Updated 1/6/2022 5:24:41 PM