Upload drop zone

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Upload drop zone


The Uploads drop zone Widget for Bizagi is available for download at Bizagi Widget Xchange.

Through this Widget, you will be able to use drag and drop gestures to upload any number of documents into your processes.





Supported browsers for this widget are: IE 10 and higher, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.


Before you start

In order to test and use this Widget, you will need:

1.Bizagi Studio previously installed.

2.This specific Widget previously installed, either as described at https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?widget_xchange.htm, or as described at https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?widgets_manualinst.htm.


Data model considerations

In order to use this Widget, you need in your data model a Collection type attribute which holds the multiple documents.

Such collection should include a file type attribute, to hold the many documents bound to a case.


The sample image below shows the use of a Case attachments collection, while relying on the Screenshot file attributes.




Properties configuration

In order to configure this Widget once it is installed in your project, include it in any form and set it properties in the Forms designer, just as you would do with any other type of Bizagi control.



This widget uses the information displayed in the collection associated with the mapping configuration of the widget. Therefore, you MUST include the collection associated with the widget in the task's form. If needed you can hide the collection using the Visible property.




Consider the following properties.





Data binding

A collection type attribute which holds the multiple files to store.

Not applicable.

This property is mandatory.

Attribute for files (sub-property of data binding)

The file attribute belonging to the collection in which files will be stored.

Not applicable.

This property is mandatory.

Maximum file size

The file size in MB allowed for upload per each file.


Maximum number of files

The maximum number of files allowed for upload.


Valid extensions

A list of valid file extensions allowed for upload.


Default message

The message contained inside the drop zone that clarifies on the possibility to drop files in there.

Drop files here to upload

Fallback message

The message shown whenever the form is accessed from a browser that doesn't support this type of control.

Your browser does not support drag and drop file uploads.

Fallback text

The message shown to illustrate how to upload files alternatively, because the control is being accessed by an unsupported browser.

Please use the fallback form below to upload your files.

Validation expression

Allows you to execute an expression that runs after the attachment is added.

Not applicable.

Save & refresh

Allows you to set to true if you wish to have the form reload completely (or false for otherwise).


Refreshing the form is helpful whenever the rule executed by the Validation expression changes a value already shown in the form.



Notice the last two properties are found at the Advanced tab.





Notice all Bizagi controls and Widgets, enable a visible property which allows you to set if that control should be displayed in a given form or not (e.g, by using a business rule).


This Widget is designed as editable.


Last Updated 10/28/2022 10:06:35 AM