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The Box connector for Bizagi is available for download at Bizagi Connectors Xchange.
Through this connector, you will be able to connect your Bizagi processes to your Box account and services.
For more information about this connector's capabilities, visit Bizagi Connectors Xchange.
This Connector was developed according to the contents of the API and the information about it provided by Box. Bizagi and its subsidiaries will not provide any kind of guarantee over the content or error caused by calling the API services. Bizagi and its subsidiaries are not responsible for any loss, cost or damage consequence of the calls to Box's API. |
To test and use this connector, you will need:
1.Bizagi Studio previously installed.
2.This connector previously installed, via the Connectors Xchange as described at https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?Connectors_Xchange.htm, or through a manual installation as described at https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?connectors_setup.htm.
3.An account at www.box.com.
4.Activate 2-step authentication.
5.A registered developer app with the proper configuration for the connector.
Follow this steps to activate the 2-step authentication:
•Go to https://app.box.com/account and scroll until you find the authorization settings
•Activate the Require 2-step verification for unrecognized logins options. Register a cellphone for the 2-step verification. From this point forward you will now receive a text message with a verification code when you try to log in from an unregistered device.
Follow this steps to register your app:
1.Go to https://app.box.com/developers/console and click Create new app.
2.Choose the Enterprise Integration option.
3.Select OAuth 2.0 with JWT (server authentication) and click Next.
4.Give a name to your app and click Create App.
Your application is now running, but you need to configure it for the Bizagi Connector.
Box applications have several authentication options that must be properly set for the connector to work. To do this follow this steps:
1.Go to your application configuration. You can access it through https://app.box.com/developers/console/.
2.Scroll down to the Application Access options and select the Enterprise option. Save the changes afterward.
3.Go to the Advance Features section and activate the Generate User Access Token option.
4.Go to Add and Manage Public Keys and click Generate a Public/Private Keypair.
This action may prompt a text message verification. A json file is downloaded containing several of your authentication parameters. Save this file in a safe and reachable place.
5.Go to https://app.box.com/master/settings/openbox and scroll down to the Custom Application section. Click Authorize New App.
A window asking for the API key will pop-up.
This API key can be found at https://app.box.com/developers/console/ in the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section in the field ClientID.
Authorize your app to finish the application configuration.
To configure the connector (in particular its authentication parameters), follow the steps presented at the Configuration chapter in https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?connectors_setup.htm.
For this configuration, consider the following authentication parameters:
•Authentication method: Custom
•clientId: Id of the client. It is found in the JSON file previously downloaded.
•clientSecret: Secret of the client. It is found in the JSON file previously downloaded.
•appId: Id of the app as it is shown in the app console in the general tab. It can be either the enterprise ID or the user ID.
•appType: Id type it can be either enterprise or user.
•publicKeyId: Id of the public key. It is found in the JSON file previously downloaded.
•privateKey: Private key of the app. It is found in the JSON file previously downloaded.
•passphrase: Pass phrase found in the JSON file previously downloaded.
This connector features a set of methods which lets you use Box's API services to take advantage of their capabilities.
To learn overall how/where to configure the use of a connector, refer to https://help.bizagi.com/platform/en/index.html?Connectors_Studio.htm.
When using the connector, keep in mind the following details for the available method.
Get child folders
This action gets all the folder inside a specific folder using its ID.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• folderId (Required): id of the folder. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• offset: index of the first element that will be fetched. Its default value is 0. For more information go to https://developer.box.com/reference#offset*based*paging. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
• limit: number of elements to be fetched. Its defaault value is 100. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#get-a-folders-items.
Get folder items
This action gets all the files and folders inside a specific folder identified by its ID.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• folderId (Required): id of the folder. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• offset: index of the first element to fetch. Its default value is 0. For more information go to https://developer.box.com/reference#offset*based*paging. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
• limit: number of elements to fetch. Si no se especifica, por defecto se toma 100. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#get-a-folders-items.
Get file info
This action gets all the information of a specific file identified by its ID. If not sharedLink has been created this field will be empty in the output.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): id of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#files.
Get metadata of a file
This action gets the metadata of a specific file identified by its ID. If no metadata has been created the output list will be empt.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): id of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#get-metadata.
Get versions
This action gets the versions of a file, except the current one. If the file has no versions, the output list will be empty.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): id of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• offset: index of the first element to fetch. Its default value is 0. For more information go to https://developer.box.com/reference#offset*based*paging. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
• limit: number of elements to fetch. Si no se especifica, por defecto se toma 100. This parameter should be a number in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output array to the corresponding collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#view-versions-of-a-file.
Upload file
This action lets you upload a file to a specific folder identified by its ID.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileName (Required): name of the file as it will be saved in Box. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• destinationPath (Required): id of the folder where the file will be saveddo. To save in the root folder use 0 as this field value. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• fileContents (Required): content of the file in base64. This parameter should be a byte array in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#upload-a-file.
Upload file version
This action lets you upload a new version of an existing file. If you use a different name for this version the name of the file in Box will no change. Do not change the file extension, because this may cause visualizing and download options.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): id of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• fileName (Required): name of the file (this will not change the name of the file in Box). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• fileContents (Required): content of the file in base64. This parameter should be a byte array in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#upload-a-new-version-of-a-file-1.
Download file
This action lets you download a specific file using its id. If no 'versionId' is specified the current version will be downloaded.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): id of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• versionId: id of the version to be downladed. If no value is used the last version will be downloaded. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#download-a-file.
Create folder
This action lets you create a folder in a specific path. .
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• name (Required): name of the folder. It can't be longer than 255 characters, contain non-ASCII characters, "/", or "\". Names like: "." or "." are not allowed. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• destinationPath (Required): id of the parent folder. To use the root folder use 0 as this field value. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#create-a-new-folder.
Create shared link
This action lets you create a Shared Link for a file or folder.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• objectType (Required): can be (folders or files), type of element of the link. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• objectId (Required): id of the element. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• accessType (Required): access restrictions, can be (company, open or collaborators). This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#create-or-update-shared-link.
Copy file
This action lets you create a copy of a specific file in a specific folder using their respective ID.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): Iid of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• destinationPath (Required): Iid opf the folder where the file will be stored. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#copy-a-file.
Copy folder
This action lets you create a copy of a folder and its content into a specific path.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• folderId (Required): id of the folder to be copied. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• destinationPath (Required): id of the folder where the folder will be stored. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• newName: name of the new folder. If this field is not used, the copy will retain the original folder's name . This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#copy-a-folder.
Delete file
This action lets you delete a file identified by its ID.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• fileId (Required): id of the file. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#delete-a-file.
Delete folder
This action lets you delete a folder. You can choose if the content of the folder is deleted or preserved.
To configure its inputs, take into account the following descriptions:
• folderId (Required): id of the folder. This parameter should be a String in your Bizagi model.
• recursive: True if thee content of the folder must be deleted with the folder, false otherwise. Its default value is false. This parameter should be a boolean in your Bizagi model.
To configure the outputs of this action, you can map the output object to the corresponding entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the entity appropriately.
For more information about this method's use, refer to Box's official documentation at https://developer.box.com/reference#delete-a-folder.
Last Updated 10/27/2022 10:09:06 AM