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The Asana connector for Bizagi is available for download at Bizagi Connectors Xchange.

Through this connector, you will be able to connect your Bizagi processes to your Asana account and services.

For more information about this connector's capabilities, visit Bizagi Connectors Xchange.


Before you start

In order to test and use this connector, you will need:

1.Bizagi Studio previously installed.

2.This connector previously installed, via the Connectors Xchange as described at, or through a manual installation as described at

3.An account at and a valid personal access token.


How to get Asana personal access token

Once you have a registered account in Asana follow this steps to get your personal access token:

1.On your app home screen click the icon with your picture and on the dropdown list that appears click My Profile Setting.




2.On the new window that appears click the Apps tab and then click Manage Developer Apps.




3.Click +Create New Personal Access Token.




4.Add a short descriptions and click Create.




5.Copy the access token. Be careful during this operation and save your token safely, since you will not be able to see this token again.




Configuring the connector

To configure the connector (i.e its authentication parameters), follow the steps presented at the Configuration chapter in

For this configuration, consider the following authentication parameters:

Authentication method: Custom.

PERSONAL_TOKEN: The generated personal access token of your Asana account (as discussed in the previous section).




Using the connector

This connector features several available methods of Asana services, which lets you to directly manage your Asana workspace directly from Bizagi.

To learn overall how/where to configure the use of a connector, refer to  

When using the connector, make sure you consider the following details for the available methods.


Get available workspaces

This action gets all the workspaces the user can access.




This method does not require any input.

To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your workspace collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the workspaces appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Update Workspace

This action lets you upgrade a specific workspace.




Configure its inputs as follow:

workspace_id: The id of the workspace (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: Name of the workspace (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your workspace entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the workspace appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Add User To Workspace

This action lets you add a user to a specific workspace.




Configure its inputs as follow:

workspace_id: The id of the workspace (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

user: The user that will be added to the workspace (required). It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to add yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your workspace entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the workspace appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Remove User Of Workspace

This action lets you remove a user from a specific workspace.




Configure its inputs as follow:

workspace_id: The id of the workspace (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

user: The user that will be removed from the workspace (required). It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to remove yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your workspace entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the workspace appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Workspace User

This action gets all of the users working on a specific workspace.




Configure its inputs as follow:

workspace_id: The id of the workspace (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.



To configure its outputs, you can map the collection output to your users collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the users appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get All Users

This action gets all the users you can access.



This method does not require any input.

To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your user collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the users appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get User

This action gets a specific user.




Configure its inputs as follow:

user: The user you want to get (required). It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to remove yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your user entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the user appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get All Projects

This action gets all the projects you can access.




This method does not require any input.

To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your project collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the projects appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Project

This action gets a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project you want to get (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Create Project

This action lets you create a new project in a specific workspace.




Configure its inputs as follow:

workspace_id: The id of the workspace (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: The name of the project (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

notes: The notes you want to add to the project. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

due_date: The date when the project should be finished. In format YYYY-MM-DD. Ex. 2018-12-15. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Update Project

This action lets you update a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: The name of the project (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

notes: The notes you want to add to the project. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

due_date: The date when the project should be finished. In format YYYY-MM-DD. Ex. 2018-12-15. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Delete Project

This action lets you delete a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the success output to your success attribute.




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Project Statuses

This action gets all the status updates of a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your project status entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project status appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get A Project Status

This action gets the status updates of a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_status_id: The id of the project status (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project status entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project status appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Create Project Status

This action lets you create a status update on a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

text: Text of the status update (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

color: Color of the status update (required). It can only be red, green or yellow. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project status entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project status appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Delete Project Status

This action lets you delete a specific status update.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_status_id: The id of the project status (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the success output to your success attribute:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at,


Get Project Sections

This action gets all the project sections of a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your project section collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project section appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get A Project Section

This action gets a specific project section.




Configure its inputs as follow:

section_id: The id of the project section (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project section entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project section appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at,


Create Project Section

This action creates a new project section in a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: The name of the section (required).  This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project section entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project section appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at,


Update Project Section

This action lets you update a specific project section.




Configure its inputs as follow:

section_id: The id of the project section (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: The name of the section (required).  This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your project section entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the project section appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at,


Delete Project Section

This action lets you update a specific project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

section_id: The id of the project section (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the success output to your success attribute:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at,


Get Project Tasks

This action gets all the tasks of a project.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your task collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the tasks appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get A Task

This action gets a specific task.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Create Task

This action lets you create a new task, assign it to an user and add it to one or more projects.




Configure its inputs as follow:

projects: The ids of the projects separated by comma (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

name: the name of the task (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

notes: The notes of the task. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

due_on: The date when the task should be finished. It should be in format YYYY-MM-DD. Ex 2018-12-15. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

assignee: The user that will be assigned to the task. It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to assign yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Update Task

This action lets you update a task.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: the name of the task (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

notes: The notes of the task. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

assignee: The user that will be assigned to the task. It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to assign yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your task in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Delete Task

This action lets you delete a task.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the success output to your success attribute:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Create Subtask

This action lets you create a new subtask, assign it to an user and add it to one or more projects.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

name: the name of the subtask (required). This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

notes: The notes of the subtask. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

due_on: The date when the subtask should be finished. It should be in format YYYY-MM-DD. Ex 2018-12-15. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.

assignee: The user that will be assigned to the subtask. It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to assign yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the response output to your subtask entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the subtask appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Subtasks Of A Task

This action gets all the subtasks of a task.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your subtask collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the subtasks appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Tasks Of A User

This action gets all the tasks of a user.




Configure its inputs as follow:

workspace_id: The id of the workspace (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

assignee: The user that will be assigned to the subtask. It can be the id of the user, the email or the string 'me' to assign yourself. This parameter should be a string in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your task collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the tasks appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Add Project To A Task

This action lets you add a project to a tasks.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output entity to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Remove Project From Task

This action lets you remove a project to a tasks.




Configure its inputs as follow:

project_id: The id of the project (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output entity to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Add Followers To Task

This action lets you add followers to a tasks.




Configure its inputs as follow:

followers: The ids of the users separated by comma (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output entity to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Remove Followers From Task

This action lets you remove followers to a tasks.




Configure its inputs as follow:

followers: The ids of the users separated by comma (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output entity to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Upload Attachment To Task

This action lets you upload attachement to a tasks.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.

filename: filename of the attachment (required).

file: base64 data of the attachment (required).




To configure its outputs, you can map the output entity to your task entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the task appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Attachment

This action gets a specific attachment




Configure its inputs as follow:

attachment_id: The id of the attachment (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output entity to your attachment entity in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the attachment appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at


Get Attachments Of A Task

This action gets all the attachments of a task.




Configure its inputs as follow:

task_id: The id of the task (required). This parameter should be an integer in your Bizagi model.




To configure its outputs, you can map the output collection to your attachment collection in Bizagi and make sure you map the attributes of the attachment appropriately:




For more information about this method's use, refer to Asana's official documentation at

Last Updated 10/27/2022 9:54:22 AM