<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> WorkflowEngineSOA Web methods |
Web methods published for WorkflowEngineSOA are useful to manage the processes workflow through Bizagi BPMN Engine (i.e., start Processes, advance Activities, trigger Events, abort Process instances, amongst others).
WorkflowEngineSOA is one of the three categories featuring web methods which are part of Bizagi API, as described at Available web services.
This Web service and its methods, are found at the http URLs described below.
WS-Security web services when enabled, are located as:
Web methods
The WorkflowEngineSOA web service offers the following methods:
Method |
Description |
Invocation |
Cancels one or more cases given their case creation number in an XML in string format. |
abortCases |
Assigns/reassigns a case's Activity to a specific user. This method sends and receives a string XML. |
assignActivity assignActivityAsString |
Creates one or more cases of a Bizagi Process. It is possible to create a blank case or also to include information the case needs. This method sends and receives a string XML. |
createCases createCasesAsString |
Can be used to get all uncompleted Activities (pending, or inactive). It sends and receives a string XML. |
getActivities |
Can be used to get all uncompleted Cases. It sends and receives a string XML. |
getCases getCasesAsString |
Obtains all completed Activities. The sent and received XML is in string XML format. |
getClosedActivities |
Returns all available Intermediate Events of a Process, using XMLs in string format. |
getEvents |
Can dynamically assign privileged users to specific cases. |
grantCaseAccess grantCaseAccessAsString |
This method is used to make a manual Activity to continue (as if the Next button was clicked). The parameters (input and output) for this method are of type string XML. |
perfomActivity |
Can dynamically restrict access to a set of user in order to revoke the access to specific cases. |
revokeCaseAccess revokeCaseAccessAsString |
This method is used for available manual Activities to simulate the clicking of the Save button. Sends and receives a string XML. |
saveActivity |
Use this method to trigger an available Intermediate Event, using XMLs in string format. |
setEvent |
Additional web methods not explicitly listed above are deprecated and should not be used by new projects. Such web methods are mainly shipped in Bizagi for backward compatibility purposes. Localization is not available for these methods. |
Last Updated 2/4/2022 12:10:00 PM