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Bizagi provides programmatic access to the underlying business information in your data model, by featuring a powerful API based on RESTful and OData services.
The OData services are the preferred and recommended feature to integrate Bizagi from external applications.
For introductory information about the OData API, refer to Bizagi API.
If the OData API does not cover your integration requirements, consider using Bizagi SOAP API instead.
When using the SOAP API, make sure the WS-Security is enable for it.
This means that web services are supported via HTTPS (these web services are not supported without WS-Security and via HTTP).
SOAP services
Available web methods are grouped into the following categories, according to the Web service representing a major component in Bizagi's product architecture:
1. BPMN engine (Workflow) services
Methods in this Web service provide access to Bizagi BPMN engine, which is in charge of managing the process Workflows.
Common examples of their use are:
•Firing up one or many process instances (in Bizagi, referred to as creating cases).
•Advancing to the next step of the process (in Bizagi, referred to as performing activities).
•Triggering business events (in Bizagi, referred to as setting events).
•Canceling process instances (in Bizagi, referred to aborting cases).
All such methods allow you to send/update business information (includes attachments) while invoking them.
2. Data access engine (Entity Manager) services
Methods in this Web service provide access to your processes data model and business information.
Common examples of their use are:
•Fetching information which is stored in Bizagi entities.
Similarly, adding new data or updating existing one in Bizagi entities.
Depending on the type of entity in Bizagi, you may disable data (marked for logical deletion).
•Retrieve business information from a Bizagi case (as a whole, while residing in different entities).
3. Query engine services.
Methods in this Web service provide access to data of a set of cases or at specific entities, while best handling bulk/large volumes of information (e.g, with options to fetch by pages).
Common examples of their use are:
•Getting information of cases, while using optional filtering criteria.
•Getting information stored in a Bizagi entity, while using optional filtering criteria.
To use the SOAP API with its WS-Security feature, you need to prepare the environment and use certificates.
For detailed information about this procedure, refer to Enabling the WS-Security Bizagi API.
Last Updated 3/25/2022 10:39:35 AM