Table validations

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Table validations

Validations on tables are performed to verify if business conditions are met as required by the Process.

If conditions are not met, a error message will display to end users prompting for a correction to be made. However, when conditions are met end users continue normally without pause in the Process flow.


Bizagi offers three ways to validate a Table control.

Validations button: Executes when end users click the Next button in an Activity: The system validates the integrity of the Table and the coherence between records.


Validation expression (Add options): Executes when end users click the Save button on an Add form. The system validates the information of the new record to be added.


Validation expression (Edit options): Executed when end users click the Save button on an Edit form. The system validates the information of the existing record being edited.


Validation expression (Delete options): Executes when end users Deletes a record of a table. The system validates the information to allow the deletion, or to restrict it.

Last Updated 1/23/2023 12:04:16 PM