Smart Inbox

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Smart Inbox


Bizagi offers a functionality that allows you to collect, categorize, and rearrange your pending tasks in your Inbox, utilizing business information derived from processes. This feature, known as the Smart Inbox, empowers users to establish processes and filters within a centralized folder. Here, they can easily locate cases that meet the specified filter configurations.



The Smart Inbox relies on user-configured filters using business information. Depending on the specified criteria, Bizagi organizes a pending task into a designated folder within the Inbox of the Work Portal. This allows users to group pending cases from various processes. For instance, one might want to aggregate cases specifically related to VIP customers from the United States.




By default, all Work Portal users have the ability to create a Smart Inbox. Nevertheless, it is possible to establish security restrictions, specifying which users have the authority to create Smart Inboxes. The subsequent sections outline the procedures for creating a Smart Inbox and configuring security settings.


Next steps

Learn how to create a Smart Inbox

Define permissions to create Smart Inboxes

Edit a Smart Inbox

Share a Smart Inbox

Last Updated 1/2/2024 11:39:47 AM