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Policies are dynamic business rules that allow organizations to adapt to business changes in real time. Policies promote the autonomy of the process owners so that they can be involved in the control of the rules defined by the organization. The rules are applied according to the business and market conditions and they define how the cases must be handled.  


For this reason, policies can be managed by end users from the Work Portal. They can perform changes in values or logic in real time, according to the current business conditions.


A policy can contain multiple items and are used for:


Executing an action when a condition is fulfilled: Evaluating simple business conditions; an action is executed when the condition is fulfilled. These rules are based on If and Else. In Bizagi these rules are known as Policy rules.


Evaluating decision tables: Evaluating a combination of business conditions to execute an action based on the intersections of the conditions. In Bizagi these rules are known as Decision tables.


Evaluating decision trees: Evaluating hierarchy within the items to organize the execution and logic of several items. In Bizagi these rules are known as Preconditions.


Grouping business rules: Organizing policy rules that have similar purposes to keep them together. In Bizagi these groups are known as PrRule Groups.





Vocabulary are definitions that obtain or set all the information used in the Policies. The operation of the Policies is based on the definitions of the vocabulary. Therefore, policies can be defined once the Vocabulary has been created.

Policies can be used in a single process but can also be reused and shared between processes.

The rules are structured so that an action or an alternative path is executed once a condition has been met.

Business Policies, Rules groups, Preconditions and Decision tables can be managed and modified from the Work Portal by end users when necessary. For further information please refer to Managing Policies in the Work Portal

Last Updated 1/6/2022 11:37:01 AM