Configuration options in REST services

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Configuration options in REST services


Bizagi supports integrating REST services through two alternatives, as described at Invoking REST services configuration.

The first alternative and the recommended one is throughout the use of Bizagi connectors.


When considering the second alternative which concerns the use of Bizagi Web services connector, consider advanced configuration options when accessed through the Expert view under the listed External Systems:




RESTful configuration notes

These notes affect how invoking external REST services is done from Bizagi.


1. Using HTTP basic authentication

You may include user credentials if the REST Service requires authentication.

These credentials involve: username, password and a domain (optional) for basic HTTP authentication.




Recall this information is entered for the interface configuration presented in the Systems module.


2. Interface values per environment

You may update your REST service interface configuration at any time, should this service change its server.

The interface administration allows you to edit the Base URL's domain or the credentials used for authentication (domain, username and password).




This can be done from the Management Console directly for each of your project's environment as well (Test or Production).


3. URL administration

Whenever the Base URL of a REST service invocation is edited from the interfaces wizard (development environment), Bizagi will treat this alteration as follows:

If the domain part of the Base URL is edited, then this will be managed as a minor change involving the server providing this service, but not as a new interface (this means that a different mapping configuration is not required).

If the part following the domain of the Base URL is edited, then this will be managed as a new interface configuration (different from the previous one). This requires going over the mapping to review that the corresponding parameters are configured.

Any edition in the service URL will be managed as a new interface configuration (different from the previous one). This follows the validation rule in the Systems module in which you may not edit the service URL for a REST service interface, and similar to the aforementioned, it requires going over the mapping configuration.


4. Sending headers (content-type)

Whenever Bizagi sends information to a RESTful service, it also sends information in the Content-Type field of the accompanying HTTP header about what type of data format it is.

Bizagi sends the content type by default as "text/xml" (it applies to POST and PUT HTTP methods), however you may edit this setting.


Specify a different content-type from those supported in the drop-down list:




Recall that in order to do this, you need to configure or edit the Interface or edit it from the Expert view while ensuring you right click it to select its properties.

Further header customizations are not supported by the Web services connector.

In order to extend the capability to manage headers to those beyond the content type, you will need to use Bizagi Connectors.


5. URL maximum length

REST services requests are usually restricted by the URL character-length limit supported by browsers. Most modern browsers support URLs up to 2,000 characters long. So, it's good practice to keep URLs short and concise for compatibility with different systems.

Last Updated 4/20/2023 4:45:54 PM