<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Delete multiple users on Development or Test environments |
Sometimes, hundreds of users need to be created in the development and testing environments for testing purposes, which then need to be manually removed. Now, you can delete multiple users in batch, which share defined parameters. To delete multiple users, you need to obtain the client Id and then use it on an external application that allows the use of REST services. Find a description on how to obtain the client Id below:
•To delete multiple users, you need to use an external application that allows the use of REST Services. Use this link to visualize the steps to delete all users once you have the client Id.
•All users with dependencies to any database table such as autholog, currentassignee, entitylog, wfcase, bauserstatisticscase, userbauth, assignationlog, baPersonauser, and business entities tables cannot be deleted.
•The steps described below can only be executed by Bizagi administrators.
•This functionality works only for Development or Test environments.
What you need to do
To do so, follow the steps described below:
1. Click the Admin menu. Then open the Security category and select the OAuth 2 Applications option.
2. Add a new application.
Click on the option to add a new record in this table:
When defining the new application, use the following specifications:
•Name: Give a unique and representative name.
•Grant type: Bearer token.
•Web Site: Indicates the URL where the REST service is exposed. the Bizagi project URL structure is: https://[project_environment]-[your_project]-[your_company].bizagi.com/Rest/Users/MassUserDeletion
•Allowed Scope: Select the API option.
•Description: Brief description of the permission and the application which the authentication permissions were assigned to.
Find the Client Id in the corresponding column of the table that appears.
To delete all users, you must use an external application that allows the use of REST services. |
Last Updated 7/5/2023 3:30:59 PM