Project and environment management

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Project and environment management


In the Customer Portal, you have a centralized summary of your project and its environments.  Here you can review the number of provisioned environments, the category of your environment, and the Bizagi version installed in each environment. Additionally, you can manage administrators of your subscription projects.


Project and environment management

Every project has information displaying the name of active environments. Under the project name you can find:




Environment name

Creation date


When you click the Manage link, Bizagi displays the project information, you can review the information associated with each environment:





Provisioning date.

Number of BPUs of the category.

The version of Bizagi installed in that environment.


You also have shortcuts to open the Work Portal or the Management Console of that environment.


Project Users

Within the project information, you find the user icon at the top-right corner. Here you can manage users of the project. See Manage project users.

Last Updated 8/16/2023 3:46:42 PM