Create a Persona using Personas Wizard

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Create a Persona using Personas Wizard

In order to create Personas, first make sure you have moved into the Personas Wizard by clicking the Personas option on the ribbon.

Note that the first time you go into the Personas definition, you will see a help box displaying a brief description on what a Persona is.




Create new Personas by clicking the Stakeholders_00 icon.

Since Personas are embodied as entities, define the Display name, Name and Description, similarly as you would do for any other entity in Bizagi:





Note that same advanced definitions as in entities apply, such as Source and Key, for which you may leave the default values.


Click Next when done.

Define attributes for the Persona by using the Add button and entering their Display Name, Name and Type:





When the Persona is created Bizagi automatically creates an attribute called associateduser as a foreign key to the WFUser entity. This attribute is used to link an instance of Personas to an actual user of your project.

You DO NOT need to create the WFUser attribute, Bizagi will do that for you. The WFUser relation will include default attributes such as full name, email address, among others that are not needed in the Persona entity.



Note that at this point, you do not need to define attributes that are collections if these are intended to be used for the My stuff section (e.g, no need for a collection to list all patients currently under the doctor's care).


You may also click Next in order to define the Display attribute for the Persona, though it is entirely optional and you may leave defaults at this point.


Click Finish when done.

The new Persona definition will appear and you will be able to edit its details (its entity definition or its representative icon).




To edit its representative icon, or define a new one for the first time, click the Update work portal icon and choose a predefined icon for its default representation:




Click OK after selecting one icon.

Notice you may define additional Personas as needed, which will be also listed in that screen:




At this point, you will have initially depicted the Personas of your Bizagi project.

Use the Search Persona field to look up for any created Persona by typing any of letters contained in its name.


For a complete definition of the Experience design, you will need to continue specifying further detail of these Personas so that each have the following features well-defined:

Contexts: useful to establish conditions or states in data, in order to define when can a Persona perform certain actions.

My stuff: useful to present those "data sets" that belong to (or are bound to), that particular Persona.

Actions: options represented as buttons that can be launched by a Persona whenever these make sense, to create one new record or multiple ones, update them or to start new processes.

Relevant to me: shortcuts to the most commonly used processes that launch new case instances through a one-click option in the Work portal.

Data search: data queries that display filtering information by a given criteria, and afterward potentially launching actions for the matching records.

Last Updated 7/5/2023 11:37:18 AM