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In digital platforms where personalization boosts how users work, using the context-awareness potential in Bizagi becomes a major aspect to achieve the best user experience by providing easy access to the most used processes.
You may define which processes you want to be suggested to Personas through a one-click option in the Work portal in the Relevant to me section. The idea behind this configuration is to allow the definition of specific shortcuts to processes that are suggested to Personas through a one-click option, whenever best applicable (according to context definitions).
Relevance per context
Through this concept in Bizagi, you will be able to feature a Relevant to me section in the Work portal with a list of shortcuts to processes that Personas use the most when it make sense in a particular situation.
This means that for each context of your different Personas, you will be able to mark which of them are relevant:
Notice that you can have the same process configured in more than one context. If you need it to be available at all times, then create the shortcut in the Always available context.
The image above shows that the Information update and license renewal process is relevant/suggested when a Doctor is under the Expired license context, while this same action is not relevant/suggested while in an Unexpired license context.
Defining relevant processes
In order to define relevant processes hover on the given context and use the icon to create a new one:
When creating a relevant action, define:
•Display name: enter the label to be displayed representing this action that launches a new process.
•Process: select the process that will launch from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you may click the icon to specify a new process.
•Classified in: select the classification section from the drop-down list. This classification will divide the Relevant to me menu into categories, grouping processes. If you use the default category, the process will be listed on the top with no category.
•Show confirmation alert in Work portal: enable this check-box to display an alert that pops up to confirm when a new process has started. If it is not checked, the process will launch but the end user will not be notified.
Managing relevant processes
At anytime you may move relevant processes from one context to another by dragging and dropping it:
You may also delete unused relevant processes by clicking on the 3-dotted option and selecting Delete relevant. This will only delete the shortcut for the current Persona and in any case will delete the related process.
Last Updated 12/28/2022 4:34:02 PM