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When integrating Bizagi with UiPath bots, take into account that these are two different and independent platforms. This means that you must be careful in every step or the configuration in both sides. This document illustrates some of the errors you may face when configuring the bots to be used in Bizagi.
•Jobs creation in the UiPath orchestrator
•Unattended robot deployment - Users with Orchestrator versions 21.4.12 - Release 46 or after
When creating robots in UiPath, keep in mind the following considerations:
•Studio and StudioX robots are not supported to start jobs or create triggers from Orchestrator.
•If you use UiPath Studio in production environments via unattended scheduling configured in Orchestrator, use Unattended robots.
•If you cannot change your robot type to Unattended, check the Unattended assigned robots in your license and if possible, assign a new one.
•UiPath free account offers 2 Attended robots and 1 Unattended robot. If you need more robots, you will need to upgrade your plan.
When a user has more licenses allocated in the organization than those provided by the licensing plan, a warning message is displayed in the Orchestrator's Home and Admin pages.
For instance, users with a version earlier than the 21.4.1 of the Orchestrator had two RPA Developer licenses; but after the orchestrator's update, this type of license was replaced by RPA Developer Pro licenses. However, there was not an automatic license allocation, hence, users with an earlier version than the 21.4.1 of the Orchestrator must manually reallocate these licenses.
For more information about this problem, refer to License Overallocation.
When a UiPath account is created, a default folder is created to store the resources created. In case that resources need to be organized, users can create different folders.
Users can create as many folders as they want, however some aspects must be taken into account:
Folders Support
Bizagi only supports modern folders. .
Users assignment to UiPath folders
When a folder is created and resources are allocated within it, only users that are assigned to the folder can access their content. Likewise, users should only be assigned to one folder to avoid integration issues with Bizagi. When a user is assigned to two different folders in UiPath, when trying to add a UiPath Process or a UiPath queue in Bizagi Studio, the following error will appear:
This is because Bizagi will not recognize to which folder access in UiPath, as more than one is going to be associated to the user.
Jobs creation in the UiPath Orchestrator
When creating jobs in UiPath, you can create more than one job of the same process. However, take into account that a robot that is working on a specific job will start a the next one only when the current job has finished. Meanwhile, the jobs that are created will have a pending state. You can create multiple jobs of the available processes, but there is a maximum number of allowed pending jobs of the same process. For instance, for the Community Edition you cannot have two pending jobs of the same process at the same time.
In this example, when two jobs of the same process are created, the first one will change its state to running and the second one will be pending.
However, when trying to create a third job of the same process, an error message will appear.
The allowed number of pending jobs in the orchestrator varies depending on the UiPath subscription. |
For more information regarding the job states in UiPath, click here.
Users with a new account on the Orchestrator version 21..4.12 - Release 46 or later should bear the considerations described here to deploy an unattended bot.
Once the robot is ready to be executed, make sure that in the user settings, the Automatically create a Personal Workspace for this user option is disabled.
Last Updated 1/27/2023 3:23:51 PM