Swimlanes properties

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Swimlanes properties






A Process is fully contained within the Pool.

Basic Properties

Display Name: This is the display name of the Pool that is shown in the Work Portal.

Name: This is the name of the Pool in database.

Description: Displays additional information for the Pool.


Runtime Properties

Help text: In this option, the user can configure a help text for the Process.

URL Help: In this option, the user can configure a URL that contains help text for the Process.

Access Type: Indicates if the Process is accessed as Process, Module or Only Sub-Process

Order: Determines the sequence in which the Process will be displayed on the registration menu

Use Parent Case Number: This option will enable a single case number for the parent Process and its Sub-Process. If this box is not checked, the Sub-Process will have a different number other than that of the parent case.

Enable Alarms: Enables alarms for the Process.

Enable Notifications: Enables notifications for the Process.

Category: Category to which the Process belongs.

Global Form: Name of the process' Global form

Summary Form: Name of the process' Summary form

Estimated Duration:  Determines the maximum time that a Process can be active (unfinished) to consider that it is still on time. It is defined in minutes.

Lower Limit: The estimated minimum run time of the Process. It is defined in minutes.

Upper Limit: The estimated maximum run time of the Process. It is defined in minutes.

Version: The version of the Flowchart is specified here.

State: Is the status of the Process (active/inactive). If checked, the Process will be available to be used (if it is a Process, Sub-Process or Module) and create cases (if it is a Process). If inactive it will not be available to be used.

Mobile Access: Enables the process to be executed from mobile devices.

Risk Signal: Allows you to customize the time frame in which an activity becomes "at risk" (marked with the yellow icon/semaphore in the Work Portal). The time set will define when a task turns yellow before expiring.



The first Lane of the Process is created automatically when the Process is created.

All shapes must belong to one Lane.

Basic Properties

Display Name: This is the display name of the Lane that is shown in the Work Portal.

Name: This is the name of the Lane in database. It cannot be modified.

Description: Displays additional information for the Lane.



All shapes must belong to one Phase. Therefore, all processes must have at least one Phase.

The number of Phases required, and the names used depend on the statuses of the Process.

There are two types of Phases, which can be configured in the global properties of the shape:

Type 1 – Case Creation: indicates that the initial activities of the Process correspond to the entry Phase of the Case, before formalizing the creation of the case.

This phase holds the following properties:

All the activities in this Phase have the property that they can return to the immediately previous Activity.

The allocation rules for the activities in this phase are skipped, holding only a single user. The user that creates the case is the one that perform all activities in this phase.

Customized case numbers are assigned at the end of the Phase.

Type 2 – Process: This type of Phase, unlike the previous one, will not allow you to return to a previous Activity.

Basic Properties

Display Name: This is the display name of the phase that is shown in the Work Portal.

Name: This is the name of the phase in database. It cannot be modified.

Description: Displays additional information for the phase.


Runtime Properties

Help text: In this option, the user can configure a help text for the Process.

Type: Indicates if the phase is from Case Creation type or Process type

Last Updated 3/5/2024 4:31:35 PM