QuerySOA Web methods

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QuerySOA Web methods


Web methods published for QuerySOA are useful to access Bizagi queries and reports (to fetch data regarding cases or records at entities while handling bulk/large volumes of information (e.g, with options to fetch by pages).

QuerySOA is one of the three categories featuring web methods which are part of Bizagi API, as described at Available web services.



This Web service and its methods, are found at the http URLs described below.

WS-Security web services when enabled, are located as:



Web methods

The QuerySOA web service offers the following methods:





Query Cases

Performs a search by relying on Bizagi queries engine to return information regarding cases. This method sends and receives a string XML.



Query Entities

Performs a search by relying on Bizagi queries engine to return any amount of records in a given entity. This method sends and receives a string XML.





Additional web methods not explicitly listed above are deprecated and should not be used by new projects.

Such web methods are mainly shipped in Bizagi for backward compatibility purposes.

By default, Bizagi looks for the values localized in EN-US. If this language is disabled or if the translation does not exists, Bizagi returns the default values.

Last Updated 2/4/2022 12:05:53 PM