<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Value List tables |
These tables store the possible values for some characteristics (fields) in the Bizagi Database Model. They are presented below in alphabetical order for easier reference.
This table lists the possible types of allocation principles availables for the process.
idAllocPrinciple (PK, int, not null) |
aprinName (nvarchar (25), not null) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
This table lists the possible types of authentication event.
idAuthEventType (PK, int, not null) |
AuthEventTypeName (nvarchar (25), not null) |
1 |
OnLogin |
2 |
OnLogOff |
3 |
OnFailedLogin |
4 |
OnChangePassword |
5 |
OnChangePasswordFailed |
6 |
OnPasswordReminder |
7 |
OnPasswordReminderFailed |
8 |
OnLockAccount |
9 |
OnExpireAccount |
This table lists the possible subtypes of authentication event.
idAuthEventSubType (PK, int, not null) |
AuthEventSubTypeName (nvarchar (25), not null) |
1 |
LockedAccount |
2 |
ExpiredAccount |
3 |
InvalidPassword |
4 |
InvalidPolicy |
5 |
UserNotFound |
6 |
UserNotEnabled |
7 |
InvalidAnswer |
8 |
MaxLoginAttempts |
9 |
FailedAttempt |
This table lists the possible types of user's access to the activities of a case in the Work Portal.
caType (PK, int, not null) |
caTypeName (nvarchar (25), not null) |
Additional explanation, when applicable |
1 |
None |
The value None means the process is a subprocess and it uses the cases access type defined for the parent process. |
2 |
CaseSecurity |
The value CaseSecurity means the access for the activities is only for assigned users. |
3 |
Shared |
The value Shared means the access for the activities is for all users. |
This table list the possible types of log assignation types for activities.
idAssignationLogType (PK, tinyint, not null) |
assigLogType (nvarchar(26), not null) |
1 |
Assignee |
2 |
Candidate |
3 |
BestCandidate |
4 |
ProcessWithoutAssignations |
5 |
Activator |
6 |
ReleaseActivity |
7 |
TakeOwnership |
This table lists the possible types of time zones.
Given the size of this list, only a few examples are shown below for clarity.
idBATimeZone (PK, int, not null) |
tzDisplayName (nvarchar (100), not null) |
1 |
(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West |
2 |
(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa |
3 |
(GMT-10:00) Hawaii |
4 |
(GMT-09:00) Alaska |
5 |
(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) |
This table lists the possible states for a case.
idCaseState (PK, int, not null) |
csName (nvarchar (100), not null) |
1 |
Initiated |
2 |
Running |
3 |
Suspended |
4 |
Aborted |
5 |
Completed |
6 |
NotInitiated |
7 |
CancelledByCompensation |
8 |
CancelledByException |
This table lists the possible types of log operations for an entity changes.
idEntLogOpType (PK, tinyint, not null) |
EntLogOpTypeName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Add |
2 |
Update |
3 |
Delete |
This table lists the possible types of relationships between entities.
idFactRelationType (PK, int, not null) |
FactRelationTypeName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Single-Multiple |
2 |
Multiple-Multiple |
3 |
Single-Single |
This table lists the possible holiday schemas.
idHolidaySchema (PK, int, not null) |
HolidaySchemaName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Default Schema |
This table lists the possible types of Jobs.
idJobType (PK, int, not null) |
jobTypeName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
User |
2 |
System |
3 |
Wait |
4 |
Alarm |
This table lists the possible types of Languages.
Given the size of this list, only a few examples are shown below for clarity.
idLgLanguage (PK, int, not null) |
cultureName (nvarchar (10), not null) |
languaje (nvarchar (50), not null) |
country (nvarchar (50), not null) |
cultureDisplayName (nvarchar (100), not null) |
52 |
en-AU |
English |
Australia |
English (Australia) [en-AU] |
76 |
fr-FR |
French |
France |
French (France) [fr-FR] |
158 |
es-CO |
Spanish |
Colombia |
Spanish (Colombia) [es-CO] |
This table lists the possible types of the behavior on exit of the Sub-Process regarding the parent Process.
idMultiInstanceExitMode (PK, int, not null) |
miEmName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
AllTokens |
2 |
EachToken |
3 |
Variable |
4 |
One |
This table lists the possible types of workflow´s phases.
idPhaseType (PK, int, not null) |
phaseTypeName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Radication |
2 |
Flow |
This table lists the possible types of subprocess.
idSubProcType (PK, int, not null) |
sptName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Integrated |
2 |
StandAlone |
3 |
None |
This table lists the possible types of subprocess mapping regarding the parent Process..
idSubProcMappingType (PK, int, not null) |
spmtName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
None |
2 |
Map All |
3 |
User Defined Mapping |
This table lists the possible types of tasks.
idTaskType (PK, int, not null) |
tskTpName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
StartState |
2 |
ManualState |
3 |
AutoState |
4 |
Checkpoint |
5 |
Decision |
6 |
TerminateState |
7 |
SubProcess |
8 |
Split |
9 |
XOrJoin |
10 |
Module |
11 |
Wait |
12 |
Event |
13 |
ConditionalJoin |
14 |
SubProcessMultiInstance |
15 |
AndSplit |
16 |
XOrSplit |
17 |
TokenCollector |
18 |
Synchronizator |
19 |
Option |
20 |
ActivityMultiInstance |
21 |
Singleton |
22 |
Annotation |
23 |
ComplexGateway |
24 |
CancellationException |
25 |
ErrorEndEvent |
26 |
CompensationEndEvent |
27 |
CompensationIntEvent |
28 |
Group |
29 |
StartTimer |
30 |
LinkEvent |
31 |
MessageStartEvent |
32 |
MessageIntEvent |
33 |
MessageEndEvent |
34 |
SignalStartEvent |
35 |
SignalIntEvent |
36 |
SignalEndEvent |
37 |
SendTask |
38 |
ReceiveTask |
39 |
ManualTask |
40 |
ScriptTask |
41 |
DataObject |
42 |
ConditionalIntEvent |
43 |
ConditionalTask |
This table lists the possible types of transitions.
idTransitionType (PK, int, not null) |
transitionTypeName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Normal |
2 |
Exception |
3 |
Compensation |
4 |
Cancel |
5 |
Error |
6 |
Relation |
7 |
Timer Event |
8 |
Event |
9 |
MessageEvent |
10 |
SignalEvent |
This table lists the possible access types that can be defined for a process.
idwfAccessType (PK, int, not null) |
wfAccessTypeName (nvarchar (20), not null) |
1 |
Process |
2 |
Module |
3 |
Only SubProcess |
This table lists the possible working time schemas availables for the process. Custom working time schemas could be added to your project.
idWorkingTimeSchema (PK, int, not null) |
wtsName (nvarchar (50), not null) |
1 |
Standard |
2 |
24 Hours |
3 |
Night Shift |
4 |
FullTimeAdmon |
This table lists the possible states that a workitem can have.
idWorkitemState (PK, int, not null) |
wiName (nvarchar (26), not null) |
1 |
Inactive |
2 |
Suspended |
3 |
Active |
4 |
Completed |
5 |
Not Assigned |
6 |
Assigned |
7 |
Aborted |
8 |
Rollbacked |
9 |
Compensed |
10 |
Exception |
11 |
Aborted By Compensation |
12 |
Cancelled By SubprocessExc |
13 |
Cancelled By EventBasedExc |
14 |
StandBy |
Last Updated 6/28/2024 10:22:14 AM