Installing Bizagi Modeler

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Installing Bizagi Modeler


Bizagi Modeler's desktop application can be installed either using the default installer or through a silent installation.



Before installing Bizagi Modeler, make sure that you have the minimum requirements. See System requirements.


Download installer

You can download the installer on the following site:


Default Installation

The Bizagi Modeler installer can be executed without admin rights. However, consider this as follows:


If you don't have administrative rights, you can double-click the installer, and it will run normally.

When installed by double clicking, no admin rights are needed.

The application is saved in the following location: C:\Users\{CURRENTUSERNAME}\AppData\Local\Programs\Bizagi\Bizagi Modeler

The application is available to be accessed exclusively by the user who installed it.

If this is not the desired installation and you don't have admin rights, seek assistance from your IT department to use a local admin account.


If you do have administrative rights, right-click the installer and select Run as administrator.

The application is saved in the location: C:\Program files\Bizagi\Bizagi Modeler

The application is installed and made available to all the users on the machine.


For further information, see Default Installation.


Silent Installation

The Bizagi Modeler also offers a way for unattended installation to be done by an administrator. For example, in organizations with several users, an administrator can install Bizagi Modeler through a silent installation. To learn how to use this installation, see Silent Installation.


Next Steps

Review the Cloud Portals' first steps in the following article.

Last Updated 8/1/2023 10:10:42 AM