Extended Attributes type

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Extended Attributes type

Bizagi offers a wide variety of Extended Attribute types. Select and create as many attributes as required from the following list:


Text Area: stores approximately 32,000 characters, and is used to display long texts with line breaks.


Text Box:  stores approximately 32,000 characters, and is used to display short texts, without line breaks.


Number: stores numbers.
You must define a minimum and maximum range.


Date: stores dates.


Image: stores images with the following extensions: JPG, bmp, PNG and GIF


Single Selection Options (Combo): allows you to define several options to choose from, but only allows selection of one entry from the drop-down list.
You must define the desired options for selection.


Single Selection Options (Radio): allows you to define several options to choose from, but you can only check one radio button at any one time.
You must define the desired options for selection.


Multiple Selection Options: allows you to define several options to choose from, and allows selection of one or more of the check boxes displayed.
You must define the desired options for selection.


Embedded File: allows the modeler to attach a file to be available within the Model. The file is copied to the model's folder.

When published  this file type and the Linked file will be displayed in the same way.


Linked File: allows you to include a link or path to a file. The model stores a link to the file, not the file itself.
When including this extended attribute the user must select check/uncheck for the option Relative path.
Relative path option allows you to include your link either as a relative or absolute path.
Relative paths change depending upon what page the links are located on.
For example, if the file is stored in your computer you would share: C:\MyDesktop\PurchaseRequest\FileUplodadedInThisExample
If you check on Relative path, then the url will be stored as: PurchaseRequest\FileUplodadedInThisExample.
This way you can share your folder and the file can be opened anywhere.
An absolute path refers to a fixed location including the domain name. You typically use absolute paths to linked to elements that have a fixed reference location no matter by which means you access them.
We recommend absolute paths (Relative Path not checked) when the files are on your network.
For example: \\Mynetwork\SharedModels\PurchaseRequest\FileUplodadedInThisExample


URL: stores a URL to link an internet resource.


Table:  allows you to build a table, including any of the attributes mentioned above.
Click here for an example of a Table Extended Attribute

Last Updated 7/5/2023 10:49:39 AM