<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Aspose tags list |
There are different Aspose tags available to use depending on the special needs, the information required and the elements in use. Here is an advance list that will help you identifying what Aspose tags fit better for your own templates.
The following tables show the Aspose tags available in Bizagi Modeler.
The following table shows the Model properties tags available.
Tag |
Description |
<<[PublishDate]>> |
Date when the document was published. |
<<[Comments]>> |
Comments of the project |
<<[ProjectName]>> |
Name of the project. |
<<[ProductName]>> |
Name of the Bizagi product used to publish the document (Modeler or Studio). |
<<[BizagiUrl]>> |
URL of the main Bizagi website. |
<<[UseUserLogo]>> |
A boolean property that states if the user has a custom logo. |
<<[UserLogoName]>> |
The logo location to insert as an image. |
Remember that the model contains multiple diagrams (Pages).
The following table shows the diagrams (Pages) tags available.
Tag |
Description |
<<[Id]>> |
Id of the diagram |
<<[Name]>> |
Name of the diagram. |
<<[DiagramDescription]>> |
Description of the diagram (along with its html format). |
<<[MainProcessId]>> |
Id of the main process |
<<[Version]>> |
Version of the diagram. |
<<[Author]>> |
Author of the diagram. |
<<[Image]>> |
The diagram's image file location to insert as an image. |
<<[IsSubprocessPage]>> |
Whether the diagram is a SubProcess or not |
<<[IsCallActivityPage]>> |
Whether the diagram is a call activity or not |
<<doc [DescriptionDocument]>> |
Description of the diagram displayed with its custom html format. |
<<doc [PropertiesDocument]>> |
A list of the diagram extended attributes. |
Remember that each diagram contains multiple processes (Elements) and extended attributes (Properties).
To show all the diagrams use:
<<foreach [in Pages]>>
Your diagram aspose tags here
Tag |
Description |
<<[Id]>> |
Id of the diagram property |
<<[Name]>> |
Name of the diagram property |
<<[Value]>> |
Property's value (along with its html format). |
<<[Text]>> |
Property's text (if the data type is compatible) |
<<[Description]>> |
Property's description (along with its html format). |
<<[FormattedValue]>> |
Property's value shown with format (if the data type is compatible) |
To show properties of each diagram you use the structure:
<<if [Pages[0].Properties!= null]>>
<<foreach [properties in Pages[0].Properties]>>
Your properties aspose tags here
The following table shows the process (Elements) tags available.
Tag |
Description |
<<[Id]>> |
Id of the process |
<<[Name]>> |
Name of the process. |
<<[Description]>> |
Description of the process (along with its html format). |
<<[ElementImage]>> |
The process's image file location to insert as an image. |
<<[ElementType]>> |
Element type |
<<[ElementSubType]>> |
Element Subtype |
<<[DescriptionDocument]>> |
Description of the process displaying its custom html format. |
<<[PropertiesDocument]>> |
A list of the process extended attributes. |
Remember that each process contains multiple elements (PageElements).
To show all the elements use:
<<if [Pages[0].Elements!= null]>>
<<foreach [elements in Pages[0].Elements]>>
Your element aspose tags here
The following table shows the tasks, gateways and events (PageElements) tags available.
Tag |
Description |
<<[Id]>> |
Id of the element. |
<<[Name]>> |
Name of the element. |
<<[Description]>> |
Description of the element (along with its html format). |
<<[ElementImage]>> |
The element's image file location to insert as an image. |
<<[ImageObject]>> |
The elements's image file location to insert as an image. |
<<[ElementType]>> |
The element specific type (AbstractTask). |
<<[ElementSubType]>> |
The element general type (Task). |
<<[DescriptionDocument]>> |
Description of the element displaying its custom html format. |
<<[PropertiesDocument]>> |
A list of the element extended attributes. |
<<[ChildPropertiesDocument]>> |
Displays the conditions of the exclusive gateways. |
Remember that each task contains multiple Raci resources (Performers, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) and each element contains multiple extended attributes (Properties).
To show all the page elements use:
<<if [elements.PageElements!= null]>>
<<foreach [pageelements in elements.PageElements]>>
Your page element aspose tags here
The following table shows the resources (Performers, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) properties tags available.
Tag |
Description |
<<[Id]>> |
Id of the resource |
<<[Name]>> |
Name of the resource. |
<<[Value]>> |
Value of the resource (along with its html format). |
<<[FormattedValue]>> |
Resource's value shown with format (if the data type is compatible) |
<<[Text]>> |
Resource's text (if the data type is compatible) |
<<[Description]>> |
Description of the resource. |
<<[Type]>> |
Type of the resource |
To show all the Performers, Accountable, Consulted or Informed properties use:
<<if [pageelements.Informed!= null]>>
<<foreach [informed in pageelements.Informed]>>
Your Performers, Accountable, Consulted or Informed aspose tags here
Extended PageElemets Attributes
The following table shows the extended Attributes (Properties) tags available for PageElements.
Tag |
Description |
<<[Id]>> |
Id of the extended attribute. |
<<[Name]>> |
Name of the extended attribute. |
<<[Description]>> |
Description of the extended attribute. |
<<[Type]>> |
Extended attribute type. |
<<[Value]>> |
Value of the extended attribute (along with its html format). |
To show all the properties use:
<<if [pageelements.Properties!= null]>>
<<foreach [properties in pageelements.Properties]>>
Your properties aspose tags here
The following table shows the text tags available along with their values. The column "Text on your document" show the exact value that each aspose tag will display. This tag is language sensitive, it means that the value on your text will be displayed in the same language of your Bizagi product.
In order to use them remember to define your "texts" variable before using any tag:
<<var [texts = Texts]>>
Your texts aspose tag here
Tag |
Text on your document |
<<[texts.Author]>> |
Author |
<<[texts.Version]>> |
Version |
<<[texts.Connector]>> |
Connector |
<<[texts.Connectors]>> |
Connectors |
<<[texts.DefaultElementName]>> |
Element |
<<[texts.Description]>> |
Description |
<<[texts.Elements]>> |
Elements |
<<[texts.GoToParentProcess]>> |
Parent process |
<<[texts.Home]>> |
Home |
<<[texts.MainPool]>> |
Main Process |
<<[texts.MainPoolDescription]>> |
Main Process description |
<<[texts.PageNumber]>> |
Page number |
<<[texts.Performers]>> |
Performers |
<<[texts.Accountable]>> |
Accountable |
<<[texts.Consulted]>> |
Consulted |
<<[texts.Informed]>> |
Informed |
<<[texts.ProcessDiagrams]>> |
Process Diagrams |
<<[texts.ProcessElements]>> |
Process Elements |
<<[texts.Search]>> |
Search |
<<[texts.TableOfContents]>> |
Table of Contents |
<<[texts.VisitBizagi]>> |
Visit bizagi.com |
<<[texts.Contains]>> |
Contains {0} Sub-Proceses |
<<[texts.ShowAll]>> |
Show all |
<<[texts.FullScreen]>> |
Full screen |
<<[texts.ZoomIn]>> |
Zoom In |
<<[texts.ZoomOut]>> |
Zoom Out |
<<[texts.Close]>> |
Close |
<<[texts.Menu]>> |
Menu |
<<[texts.ErrorPage]>> |
Error when visualizing page |
<<[texts.Process]>> |
Process |
<<[texts.Subprocess]>> |
Subprocess |
<<[texts.Contain]>> |
Contains |
<<[texts.CheckAttributes]>> |
Check attributes |
<<[texts.CheckOverview]>> |
Check overview |
<<[texts.UnavailableResource]>> |
Unavailable resource |
<<[texts.LocalResource]>> |
Resource can be accessed locally |
<<[texts.Performer]>> |
Performer |
<<[texts.LinkToImage]>> |
Link to Image |
<<[texts.PresentationAction]>> |
Presentation Actions |
<<[texts.PresentationActionLink]>> |
View presentation action |
<<[texts.SearchGlobal]>> |
Search all |
<<[texts.SearchLocal]>> |
Search in this process |
<<[texts.SearchResults]>> |
Search results |
<<[texts.TitlePage]>> |
Start |
<<[texts.EmptyElement]>> |
This element has not yet been documented |
<<[texts.Unsupported]>> |
Your browser does not support content displayed by this page |
<<[texts.Expand]>> |
Expand |
<<[texts.ShowMore]>> |
Show more |
<<[texts.ShowLess]>> |
Show less |
<<[texts.Details]>> |
Details |
<<[texts.MainPoolProperties]>> |
Main Process properties |
<<[texts.CannotVisualize]>> |
The page cannot be displayed |
<<[texts.ResourceNotFound]>> |
The request resource was not found |
<<[texts.ApplyTheme]>> |
Applying new theme |
<<[texts.CalledBy]>> |
Called by |
<<[texts.AttachmentsTooltip]>> |
Show attachements |
<<[texts.HideDescription]>> |
Hide description |
<<[texts.ShowDescription]>> |
Show description |
<<[texts.ViewDetails]>> |
View details |
<<[texts.GoToLinkThrow]>> |
Go to target event |
<<[texts.GoToLinkCatch]>> |
Go to source event |
<<[texts.GoToSubProcess]>> |
Go to sub-process |
For additional information on how to use the Aspose tags review their documentation.
Last Updated 11/28/2022 12:10:07 PM