Properties and querying options

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Properties and querying options


Bizagi features OData services to handle a comprehensive set of resources related to the Experience design, as described in the Bizagi API.

For such resources, you can include filters or navigate data returned by the response by relying on standard properties and querying options.



For every set of results returned by the OData services, a successful response includes a set of standard properties which are preceded by the @ sign.

These properties are:







Once per invocation.

Contains a URL for the service's metadata (in XML format), which specifies the types of data and field being queried.



Once per invocation and applies when using Pagination of results while querying a resource which represents a collection.

Specifies the number of records fetched (an integer), while using $count=true in the URL.


For each element of a collection.

Contains an URL of each element in case you want to navigate into its detail.



Shows up once per invocation and applies when using Pagination of results.

Specifies the URL for the "following page" of the same set of results (applies for all pages except the last one).



Once per invocation and applies when using Pagination of results.

This property is not standard, and specifies the number of results for the resource (an integer), regardless of the number fetched in the current invocation (due to pagination).



Filtering results

When you fetch multiple results with an invocation response (typically a collection of values) through an HTTP GET action, you can use the standard (based on OData specs) $filter option (URL query param), to narrow down the results to those that match criteria.


Some of the most common operators per the OData specs are supported by Bizagi:







An equals operator to compare strings to find exact matches.


A not equals operator to compare strings to find matches that are not exact.

Simple but with a function-based notation


An operator to consider whether a substring is part of the complete string value.



An operator to narrow down information while iterating over a collection; a valid result is, one where any of the records meet the criteria.


An operator to narrow down information while iterating over a collection; a valid result is one where all of records meet the criteria.


All response information is in strings (as data type). Operators and values need to go inside of apostrophes (' ' characters).


Filtering with simple operators

For simple operators such as and, or, eq, ne, you can use $filter with the following basic syntax:

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/[odata_service]/[odata_resource]?$filter=[field_resource] [operator] [value]



[operator]: Use eq / ne.

[value]: The value to compare with.

[field_resource]: The particular field within the invocation response which contains multiple results. A typical example in Bizagi would be values.

[odata_service]: The name of the OData service which, either data or metadata.

[odata_resource]: The OData resource you are querying which returns multiple results within its response. An example in Bizagi would be querying Personas.

[your_bizagi_project_url]: The URL where end users access the Bizagi Work portal.


For Automation Service projects, such URL would be:



When chaining more than one filter (i.e, using 'and'/'or'), use $filter with the following syntax (chaining as many further filters as you need):

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/[odata_service]/[odata_resource]?$filter=[field_resource] [operator_1] [value_1] and [operator_2] [value_2]

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/[odata_service]/[odata_resource]?$filter=[field_resource] [operator_1] [value_1] or [operator_2] [value_2]


This example uses one simple operator, and filters the cases resource, to retrieve a case by its ID:

.../cases?$filter=caseNumber eq '1169'




This example uses one simple operator to evaluate what is in an inner collection of case information.

This example filters results so to fetch only those processes that do not consider a parameter of Xpath type named 'Score'.

Those processes which do not demand a score are sent to start a new case:

.../processes?$filter=parameters/xpath ne 'Score'




Finally, an example chains several filtering criteria using and / or.

In this case we are fetching all pending activities which are either on time (green state) or expired (red state). The query filters out those in the yellow state:

.../workitems?$filter=Contains(state, 'green') or Contains(state,'red')




The query uses the Contains operator, which uses a different notation that resembles how you would use a function in most programming languages.


Filtering with complex operators

For complex operators such as any and all, you can use $filter with the following basic syntax:

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/[odata_service]/[odata_resource]?$filter=[collection_resource]/[complex_operator](p:p/[attribute_in_collection] [simple_operator] [value])



[complex_operator]: You may use any or all.

[simple_operator]: You may use eq or ne.

[value]: The value to compare with (used by the simple_operator).

[collection_resource]: The collection within the invocation response values, which contains multiple results to iterate over. A typical example in Bizagi would be parameters.

[odata_service]: User data or metadata.

[odata_resource]: The OData resource you are querying and which returns multiple results within its response. An example in Bizagi would be querying Personas.

[your_bizagi_project_url]: The URL where end users access your Bizagi Work portal.

For Automation Service projects, the URL would be:



A search using the any operator would seek processes for which there is at least one parameter of the type 'Collection':

...processes?$filter=parameters/any(p: p/type eq 'Collection')





To chain more than one filter (i.e, using 'and' and 'or'), use $filter with the following syntax (chaining as many filters as you need):

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/[odata_service]/[odata_resource]?$filter=[collection_resource]/[complex_operator](p:p/[attribute1_in_collection] [simple_operator_1] [value1]

and p/[attribute2_in_collection] [simple_operator_2] [value2)

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/[odata_service]/[odata_resource]?$filter=[collection_resource]/[complex_operator](p:p/[attribute1_in_collection] [simple_operator_1] [value1]

or p/[attribute2_in_collection] [simple_operator_2] [value2])


Pagination of results

When fetching results through an HTTP GET action, you may use the standard (based on OData specs) $top and $skip options (URL query params), to implement pagination, especially if the service returns a large number of results.

To implement a query that handles pagination, use these parameters:






Only returns a fixed amount of first results, and disregards the rest.

It returns $top=n where n determines the number of first results starting from the top of the list.

This invocation will fetch only the first five Personas in a project:



For a more detailed example, refer to the section below.


Disregards number of results, so the returned results start from that point on.

Use as $skip=n where n determines how many re-sults to skip, starting from the top.

This invocation fetches Personas starting from the sixth one:



For a more detailed example, refer to the section below.


The service includes information about the number of records fetched.

Use as $count=true.

This invocation fetches only the first five Personas in a project while including the @odata.count property with the number of results returned in this invocation:



Bizagi automatically includes in the response the @odata.totalCount and @odata.nextLink properties.

Here is a sample response when you query Personas as per the URL in the examples above, and use pagination of results:


 "@odata.context": "[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/metadata/$metadata#Personas",

 "@odata.totalCount": 16,

 "value": [


     "": "[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/metadata/Personas(e6e38460-2f33-4804-bddf-46058843c314)",

     "id": "e6e38460-2f33-4804-bddf-46058843c314",

     "name": "Client",

     "displayName": "Client",

     "iconName": "bz-icon-ctg bz-icon-ctg-helicopter"



 "@odata.nextLink": "[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/metadata/Personas?$top=1&$skip=1"



$top and $skip example

The following URL returns a list of n results:




[odata_service]: Either data or metadata.

[odata_resource]: The name of the resource (URI) being queried. Examples are: stuff, searches, relevants, processes, Personas.

[your_bizagi_project_url]: The URL where end users access your Bizagi Work portal.

For Automation Service projects, the URL would be:





Then, by appending parameters such as $top and $skip, you can handle large number of results.

For instance, while using the same URL specified above, fetch 50 results, starting from result number 1001, with this invocation:




As with standard URLs and services append query parameters to the base URL after a question mark and separate multiple parameters with ampersand (&).


Expanding results

Whenever you fetch results through an HTTP GET action, you can use the standard (based on OData specs) $expand option (URL query param), to fetch additional information (from child resources), into the same invocation.

To implement a query that retrieves such information into the same invocation, use these parameters:




$expand example

Let's start with the following query that fetches Personas' information:




Taking as an example, the information from the Doctor Persona as shown above, we notice that fetched details for that Persona (queried by its ID) do not include by default information from the Doctor's My Stuff, as shown below:




To keep the example simple, we don't highlight contexts information since it is not as relevant.


However we know we can get My Stuff information, since it is a resource available (/stuff) which is bound to a Persona (i.e., the Doctor).

The My Stuff collections for the Doctor in this example consists basically of the Medical equipment, as shown below:




We can rely on the $expand option to fetch the My Stuff information at once when querying information from the Doctor Persona, as we did initially.

This would "merge" the Personas details with the My Stuff collections in a single response:




Querying options with allusers parameter

When you query results, you can use the parameter allusers to get results for all users. Without this parameter you can only get results for the user that is logged in. There are multiple scenarios where you can use this parameter, which are explained in detail in the following section:


You can query all this options through Postman.


As a prerequisite, you must first generate a bearer token in the Work Portal and connect to your Bizagi project. The steps to do so are detailed in Bizagi API Authentication.


Select the type of method that you are going to excecute (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.). Type the URL of your project and then append the endpoint you are interested in. Send the request and the query result will be returned.


Return all cases of a process for all users or a specific case of a process for all users

Endpoint for all processes: /odata/data/processes(ID)/cases?$allUsers=true

Enpoint for a specific process: /odata/data/processes(ID)/cases(ID)?$allUsers=true


For this example you must have previously gotten the id of the process you are interested in. You can get the id by querying all the processes. Bear in mind to look for the id and no the processId parameter.


Once you have the id, you must replace ID in the endpoint  /odata/data/processes(ID)/cases?$allUsers=true, with the actual id. The URL in Postman must look like this:








Search by case number for all users

Endpoint: /odata/data/searchByCaseNumber(caseNumber=’caseNumber’)?$allUsers=true


The URL in Postman must look like this:

[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/data/searchByCaseNumber(caseNumber= case number)?$allUsers=true




Return all or a specific case for all users

Endpoint for all cases: /odata/data/cases?$allUsers=true


To get all the cases for all users, the URL in Postman must look like this:




Endpoint for a specific case: /odata/data/cases(ID)?$allUsers=true


To get alla specific case for all users, the URL in Postman must look like this:





Return all cases with work items or a specific case with work items for all users


Endpoint for all cases with work items: /odata/data/casesWithWorkitems?$allUsers=true


For this example you must have previously gotten the ids of the process you are interested in. You can get the id by querying all the cases.

Once you have the id, you must replace ID in the endpoint. The URL in Postman must look like this:





Endpoint for a specific case with work items: /odata/data/casesWithWorkitems(ID)?$allUsers=true


For this example you must too have previously gotten the ids of the process and of the case you are interested in. You can get the id by querying all the cases.

Once you have the id, you must replace ID in the endpoint  /odata/data/processes(ID)/cases?$allUsers=true, with the actual id. The URL in Postman must look like this:





Last Updated 11/28/2023 9:19:15 AM