Import a diagram from BPMN

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Import a diagram from BPMN

Bizagi Modeler allows importing diagrams created with other modeling tools that comply with the BPMN 2.0 xml format, to Bizagi Modeler.


For more information about the currently supported BPMN version, refer to Supported standards.


To import your diagrams follow the steps below.


1. On the Export/Import tab, in the Import group, click BPMN.




2. Browse and select the .bpmn file and click the Open button.




3. Once the BPMN file loads, you will be able to edit the diagram in Bizagi Modeler.  It will appear as if the diagram was created directly in Bizagi Modeler.





Certain products do not save the shapes' coordinates by exporting to BPMN (e.g. IBM Blueworks). We recommend using the XPDL format instead.

Last Updated 1/7/2022 2:15:22 PM