Filtering, sorting and other functions with collections

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Filtering, sorting and other functions with collections


When you use functions in expressions that return a collection (BizagiArrayList),  you can use other functions on that object that help to filter, sort, or get a subset of records.



The functions described in this article only apply for a Bizagi Array List Object type. Please understand the difference between all types of arrays in the following article, see Iterating using expressions.


Object containing the collection

You can use any of the following functions to get records on a collection:







For example you can declare a variable object type containing a collection like this:


var CollectionObject = CHelper.GetValueAsCollection(<ProcessEntity.Collection>);


now you can use the CollectionObject with the following functions:








This function returns a collection (BizagiArrayList) considering the filter condition.

Syntax: CollectionObject.filter("Condition");

Condition: String with filter conditions.

Returns: Collection (BizagiArrayList)



var CollectionObject = CHelper.GetValueAsCollection(<ProcessEntity.Collection>);

var FilteredCollection = CollectionObject.filter("Attribute1 = ‘Value’ AND RelatedAttribute.Attribute2 != null");


You can use the same operators considered in filtering xpath.




This function returns a collection (BizagiArrayList) ordered by the attribute defined.

Syntax: CollectionObject.sort("sortingAttribute");

Sorting attribute: attribute of the collection to sort .

Returns: Collection (BizagiArrayList)



var CollectionObject = CHelper.GetValueAsCollection(<ProcessEntity.Collection>);

var SortedCollection = CollectionObject.sort("Attribute1");


This function only sorts in ascending order.




This function returns an ArrayList with no repeated values of a column in the collection, defined with the associated attributed of the column.

Syntax: CollectionObject.distinct("Attribute");

Attribute: attribute of the collection to define as the column to get non-repeated values.

Returns: Arraylist.



var CollectionObject = CHelper.GetValueAsCollection(<ProcessEntity.Collection>);

var DistinctArray = CollectionObject.distinct("Attribute");


Because this function returns an Arraylist, and not a collection, the iteration must be handled as such. See how to iterate an array list.


for (var i = 0; i < DistinctArray.Count; i++){

 //Get the object that contains the row

 ArrayObjectRow = DistinctArray[i];





This function returns the sum of all numeric values in a collection column.


Syntax: CollectionObject.sum("NumericAttribute");

Numeric Attribute: attribute of the collection to sum its values.

Returns: Numeric object type.



var CollectionObject = CHelper.GetValueAsCollection(<ProcessEntity.Collection>);

var sum = CollectionObject.sum("Attribute");

Last Updated 10/26/2022 9:47:30 AM