Cancel a process

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Cancel a process


Sometimes it is needed to cancel a process. Bizagi offers a function that can cancel cases and those related to them.


To cancel a process you can use the following function:


CHelper.abortProcess(Me, CaseId, AbortOption, AbortReason)


The following attributes are needed:

Me: this parameter is fixed.

CaseId: the ID for the case to be canceled.

AbortOption: The type of operation you wish to execute. The options are as follows:

o1: Cancel the process and its children.

o2: Cancel the process, its children, parent and siblings.

o3: Cancel the process's parent process, its siblings and children excluding the process received as parameter.

AbortReason: A string where the cancel reason is given.



Let's suppose we need to cancel case number 12, its parent, siblings and children. The expression would be as follows:




CHelper.abortProcess(Me, 12, 2, "System Failure");


To cancel only the case and its children, the expression would be:




CHelper.abortProcess(Me, 12, 1, "System Failure");


Finally, to cancel the case's parent, siblings and children ignoring the case, the expression would be:




CHelper.abortProcess(Me, 12, 3, "System Failure");

Last Updated 1/6/2022 4:13:32 PM