<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigating into linked information |
The following section describes how to interpret linked information belonging to a related entity or a collection, so you can fetch additional detail as needed, while conforming to best performance practices.
Scope of the resource
The resource to further drill down into linked information uses an HTTP GET, and is defined as navigations.
It lets you obtain details for attributes which do not return details at first, such as collections, or related entities which are set this way through the OData attributes editor (as described at Setting which business information is returned):
Resource URL
Drilling down into details through the navigations resource is supported for these resources:
The following image illustrates how you can send an HTTP GET for this resource, by using as an example:
•[ID_process]: Corresponds to the ID of the process returned when querying [your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/data/processes
•[ID_case]: Corresponds to the ID of the case returned when querying [your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/data/processes([ID_process])/cases
Start by querying the ID of the process:
For the example above, use navigations for the Triage process having an ID = 6d5e481e-baf5-47da-9e8a-4f984f3e2ed8:
Within the detail queried below, both the Patient_Triageresults and SelectedHospital information are of the type Link, which means they are related attributes using linked references.
Therefore, whenever querying cases for this process, we know that detailed information regarding the patient's triage results or the selected hospital, would be available through an additional invocation by means of the navigations resource.
Taking as an example, the case with ID = 352, we obtain all information for that case, except values of the type Link that need further navigation (those not shown above):
To confirm which attributes need further navigation, use
[your_bizagi_project_url]/odata/data/processes(6d5e481e-baf5-47da-9e8a-4f984f3e2ed8)/cases(352)/navigations displays those two attributes (Patient_Triageresults and SelectedHospital).
This invocation displays the ID of the navigation information we may drill down into.
In this example, browsing for SelectedHospital information means using the ID c41d7f0f-2372-41e1-9cc1-da440e201817:
You obtain the final values by invoking
Last Updated 1/11/2022 4:11:33 PM