Integrating APIs and extending Bizagi

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Integrating APIs and extending Bizagi


Bizagi provides a powerful integration layer that supports different integration possibilities as required in a complete digital platform solution.

Such Bizagi projects, where there is the need to integrate existing services and applications, may rely on the multiple features among which there is a built-in SAP connector and a generic Web services connector that supports SOAP or RESTful services.

For more information about the comprehensive set of integration features, refer to Application Integration.


Extensibility through bespoke connectors/components

In scenarios where these above WS Connector  do not suffice and there is the need to extend or customize the logic running at Bizagi servers (i.e, to integrate with specific systems and applications or reuse APIs), you may choose to create your own connectors or components to bundle within Bizagi.


Extending integration capabilities is possible by means of two different features in Bizagi:


Bizagi Connectors (recommended).

Bizagi connectors features powerful extensibility capabilities regarding integration with other systems and applications, especially with those having a cloud-oriented API (using a RESTful architecture).

Bizagi connectors are portable and highly reusable, and are mainly oriented to connectivity and data, without involving this data's processing.

For more information about this feature, refer to Connectors.


Bizagi Component library.

The component library allows you to develop or reuse APIs or your own class libraries, so that you build them by using an IDE of your choice (Visual Studio, Eclipse, Netbeans, etc).

Though it allows you to connect to legacy systems and databases, you may also extend the logic and processing capabilities of business rules by bundling such libraries inside Bizagi (dll assemblies or .jar files).

This feature should be used only when using Bizagi Conectors is not feasible; and this feature is applicable only to on-premises projects,

For more information about this feature, refer to Custom components.